How to Use Menu Functions27How to Use Menu FunctionsVarious menus allow you to make settings for the picture, sound, and other functions.jklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyzabc defDIRECT TV RECASPECTINPUTTV AVSD CARDOPTIONINDEX HOLDSTTLTEXTLAST VIEWPROGRAMMERECTVRETURNEXITMENU N To return to TV atany timeEXIT To return to theprevious screenRETURN To change menupagesupdown1 Display the menuMENU tDisplays the functions that can be set (varies according to the input signal)2 Select the menuMain MenuPictureSoundSetupaccessselect3 Select the itemExample : [Picture Menu]selectPicture Menu 1/2Viewing ModeContrastBrightnessColourSharpnessTintColour BalanceVivid ColourC.A.T.SWarmOffOffDynamic4 Adjust or selectExample : [Picture Menu]store or access(Required by some functions)changePicture Menu 1/2Viewing ModeContrastBrightnessColourSharpnessTintColour BalanceVivid ColourC.A.T.SWarmOffOffDynamic Choose from among alternatives To reset the settingstTo reset the picture settings only[Reset to Defaults] in thePicture Menu (p. 28)tTo reset the sound settings only[Reset to Defaults] in theSound Menu (p. 30)tTo reset the picture and soundsettings togetherColour Balance NormalNumber and positions of alternativesChanged Adjust using the slide barSharpnessMoved(Also volume level andaspect mode are reset) Go to the next screenChild Lock AccessDisplays the next screen tTo initialise all settings[Shipping Condition] in theSetup Menu (p. 32) Enter characters by free input menuYou can enter names or numbers freely for some items.User inputNameA B C D E F G H I J K L M NU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6a b c d e f g h i j k l m nu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _O P Q R S T7 8 9 ! : #o p q r s t1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0Set characters StoreRETURNselectsettTo use numeric buttons“Characters table for numeric buttons” (p. 72)NotetIf “Demo Settings” item is displayed in the Setup Menu, the TV is in “Shop” viewing environment.To return to “Home” viewing environment initialise all settings by accessing Shipping Condition. (p. 47)