Tuning and Editing Channels51• To name the Favourites(red) Set characters (maximum: ten characters) Store1.!:# 2abc 3def4ghi 5jkl 6mno7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz0A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! : #a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s tu v w x y z ( ) + - . * _User inputNameselectsetBACK/RETURN• To use numeric buttons“Characters table fornumeric buttons” (p. 111)3 StoreBACK/RETURNSkip unwanted freesat channels [Channel List]You can hide unwanted freesat channels.The hidden channels cannot be displayed except in this function. Use this function to skip unwanted channels.Select a channel and [reveal] / [hide]101 BBC 1 Scotland102 BBC 2 Scotland103 stv104 stv108 BBC THREE109 BBC FOUR110 BBC HDfreesat Channel List[reveal] / [hide]select: [reveal]: [hide] (skip)• To reveal all channels(yellow)Replace the regional channels [Regional Channel Edit]You can replace some regional channels with the available channels from another region channel. (if available)1 Select the channel you want to replace101 BBC 1 London102 BBC 2 England101 BBC 1 Scotland101 BBC 1 Wales101 BBC 1 Eastfreesat Regional Channels Editorfreesat Regional Channels Alternative Regional Channelssetselect2 Select the channel to be replaced101 BBC 1 London102 BBC 2 England101 BBC 1 Scotland101 BBC 1 Wales101 BBC 1 Eastfreesat Regional Channels Editorfreesat Regional Channels Alternative Regional ChannelsreplaceselectCheck freesat signal [Signal Condition]Selects a channel and checks the freesat signal condition.A good Signal Strength is not an indication of bestsignal for freesat reception.Please use the Signal Quality indicator as follows :[Signal Quality] :• Green bar Good• Yellow bar Poor• Red bar Bad (Check the Satellite dish)70 CBBC Channel00980.00E+00Wenvoe802,00 MHz, 64 QAM, 6940 kS/sfreesat Signal ConditionSignal QualityChannel NameSignal StrengthBit Error RateNetwork NameFrequencyThese bars show the maximum signal valueof the selected channel.Example : • To change the channel