Child Lock60Child LockYou can lock specific channels / AV input terminals and control who watches them.When the locked channel / input is selected, a message appears; by entering the PIN number, you can watch it.■ To return to TVEXIT1 Display the menuMENU2 Select [Setup]Main MenuPictureSoundTimerSetupaccessselect3 Select [Child Lock]AccessChild LockaccessselectControl channel audience [Child Lock]1 Enter the PIN number (4 digits) 2 Select [Child Lock List]* * * *Please enter new PINPINChild Lock-PIN Entry abc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyz Change PINChild Lock ListChild LockAccess accessselect• Enter the PIN number twice at first setting.• Make a note of the PIN number in case you forget it.3 Select the channel / input to be locked: Appears when the channel / input is locked101 BBC 1 Wales7 BBC THREE14 E4CVCR1 BBC12 *****AV1AV2AVAVChild Lock List - TV and AVName InputDVBDVBDVBAnalogueAnalogueAnalogueExternalExternalTypeFree TVFree TVFree TVAnalogueAnalogueAnalogueLocklockselect • To lock all(green)• To cancel all locks(yellow) • To jump to the topof the next input(blue)• To cancelSelect the lockedchannel / input• In freesat mode, additional lock items will appear.[freesat Adult Channels] :Select “Hide” to hide channels of the adult genre in TV Guide and Channel List. All the Timer Programming events of the adultgenre will be cancelled.[freesat Players] : Locks freesat content supplied through the internet.Unlock : With this setting selected, you will not be required to enter your 4 digit child lock PIN when viewing freesat Playercontent. This is the default setting.Lock Guidance Content : With this setting selected, you will be asked to enter your 4 digit child lock PIN whenever you wish towatch freesat Player content which is signalled as “Guidance” (i.e. originally broadcast post watershed).Lock All Content : With this setting selected, you will be required to enter your 4 digit child lock PIN every time you wish to watch freesat Player content.■ To change the PIN number ■ To set Parental Rating1. Select [Change PIN] If the DVB programme has the rated information for over theselected age, you have to enter the PIN number to watch(depending on the broadcaster).Select [Parental Rating] and set an age for the restriction ofprogrammes.Change PINChild Lock ListChild LockAccessaccessselect2. Enter a new PIN number twiceabc defjklghi mnotuvpqrs wxyzChange PINChild Lock ListParental RatingChild LockNo limitaccess /storeselectNote• Setting [Shipping Condition] (p. 62) erases the PIN number and all settings.