TVEXITOPTION RETURNMENU ASPECTSD CARD54To return to TV■ EXITor SD CARDTo return to■the previousscreenRETURNVideo modeUsing Media PlayerViewing from SD Card (VIERA IMAGE VIEWER)1 Insert the SD Card andstart Media PlayerMedia PlayerSignal output from all AV terminals will bedisabled during Media Player view.Press OK to proceed.Press EXIT to return to TV viewing.2 Select “Video”Media PlayerContents SelectEXITRETURNSelectAccess Photo VideoaccessselectYou can also access Video mode directly by●using VIERA TOOLS“How to Use VIERA TOOLS” (p. 26)Media Player Video Title viewPlay Contents SelectInfoEXITAccessRETURN2009_9Nature2 Nature3 Nature4 Nature5 Nature6 2009_4 2009_7Trip1 Trip2 Trip3 Trip4 Trip5 Room Nature1Select(Thumbnail - Title view)images that could not be loaded, etc.The thumbnail of video titles on the SD Cardwill be displayed.The preview will start when the title ishighlighted if it supports a preview.To turn off the preview● “Video Setup” (p. 55)To display the information of the●highlighted title1/15TitleTrip1Date & Time19/02/2009 11:21Number of scenes8Duration00h15m39sTrip1 title number /total title numberfile formatPlayback from Title view■Playback of the selected title will start.Select the title Start playbackselectredPlayback from the selected scene in the title■Playback will start from the selected scene to the end of the title.Select the title Select the scene to start playbackaccessselect Title view > Trip1Contents SelectInfoEXITPlayRETURNTrip1_8Trip1_1 Trip1_2 Trip1_3 Trip1_4 Trip1_5 Trip1_6 Trip1_7Media Player VideoSelect(Thumbnail - Scene view)playbackselectThe preview will start when thescene is highlighted if it supports apreview.To turn off the preview● “Video Setup” (p. 55)To repeat playback● “Video Setup” (p. 55)To display the information of the highlighted scene●1/8SceneTrip1_1Date & Time19/02/2009 11:21Duration00h04m12sTrip1 scene number / total scene numberfile formatHow to operate in the playback■(Playback)TitleDate & TimeTrip119/02/2009 11:2100:02.05 / 00:15.39EXITRETURNOperation guideinformation bannerTo display / hide the operation guide●and information bannerTo operate the playback● RewindPause / PlaybackPlaybackFast forwardStopTo the previous scene● redTo the next scene● greenTo change aspect●(only for the 4:3 video content)ASPECTTo return to thumbnail● RETURNVideo mode supports AVCHD and MPEG2 file formats.