73NETWORK pageNote: It is necessary to restart the decoder to save thechanged settings. Otherwise, the changed settingswill not be saved. Restarting the decoder can bedone on the MAINTENANCE page. Click the[MAINTENANCE] button in the left column to go tothe MAINTENANCE page and click the [RESTART]button on the MAINTENANCE page. It will takearound 2minutes for the decoder to become operableafter the restart.■ Item DescriptionsPerform the following settings after referring to a networkadministrator about the setting items.IP ADDRESSEnter the IP address of the decoder.The default setting is "".SUBNET MASKEnter the subnet mask of the decoder to connect to anetwork.The default setting is "".DEFAULT GATEWAYEnter the default gateway to connect to a network.The default setting is "".DNS SERVEREnter the IP address of the DNS server to connect toa network.No IP address is entered as the default setting.MAC ADDRESSThe MAC address of the decoder will be displayed.It is impossible to change this value.SPEED/DUPLEXSelect a transmission speed between the decoderand a network device such as a switching hub or arouter from the following.AUTO: Transmission speed will be automatically set.100BASE-TX FULL DUPLEX: Sending andreceiving data will be performed simultaneously.100BASE-TX HALF DUPLEX: Sending andreceiving data will be performed alternately.1000BASE-T: When selecting this, use an enhancedcategory 5 (STP (Shielded Twisted Pair)) cable toconnected to the network.