45To make a multi-party call;1 Call the first participant in the normal way.2 Call the second participant in the normal way.The first call is automatically put on hold.3 To join the first participant to a multi-party call, press the [Option]Soft key and select the Join option.4 Press the [Select] Soft key.5 To add a new person to the multi-party call, call the person in thenormal way.Then, press the Option Soft key and select the Join option.6 Press the [Select] Soft key.You can add incoming callers by answering the calland selecting the Join option. Repeat the above stepsas needed.Upon organizing a multi-party call, you may view thepeople and their status in Multiparty with the [1] or [3]key. An icon indicates either Far Multiparty or Far Held.Having a Second Call During a Multi-party CallOptions in calling44Options in calling2 Press the [Up/Down] key to select the Transfer option and pressthe Select Soft key.Two people are connected to each other.Using the Message ServiceYou can read or write a new message during a call.1 Press the Option Soft key.2 Press the [Up/Down] key to highlight the Message option. Pressthe Select Soft key.3 To read a received message, select the Inbox submenu, andthen scroll to the message that you want to read.4 To write a new message, select the Write New submenu.5 Press the [Select] Soft key.(For further details about the Text Message menu, seemenu 1.1)Making a Multi-party CallA multi-party call feature is a network service thatallows up to six people to take part in a multi-party orconference call simultaneously.For more information, contact your service provider.