COMSPHERE –48 Vdc Central Office Power Unit2-8 October 2002 3000-A2-GB41-50Installing the CO Power UnitIf installing an SDCP in the carrier in which you planto install a CO Power Unit, be sure to install the SDCPribbon cable that provides power to the SDCP beforeinstalling the CO Power Unit. (For instructions on how toinstall the SDCP ribbon cable, see the SDCP RibbonCable Installation section in the COMSPHERE3000 Series Carrier Installation Manual.)After installing the CO Power Unit, you can theninstall the SDCP. (For instructions on how to install theSDCP, see Installing the SDCP section later in thischapter.)NOTEMake a ground connectionbefore installing the CO PowerUnit. Locate the groundsymbol label at the rear of theCO Power Unit. Remove theground screw next to the label.Attach one end of a groundstrap (minimum 18 AWG) andsecurely fasten the groundscrew. Secure the other end ofthe ground strap to the nearestsolid frame ground point (seeStep 2).To install the CO Power Unit: Procedure1. If an air filter is desired, follow the procedure inthe Air Filter and Brackets Installation sectionlater in this chapter. Then, return to this procedureand proceed to the next step.2. At the front of the carrier, place the CO PowerUnit on the flanges at the bottom of the carrier(see Figure 2-3). Slide the CO Power Unit intoplace against the rear rail of the enclosure, guidingthe ground strap through the opening in thecarrier’s backplane.If an SDCP ribbon cable has been installed, holdthe ribbon cable to the left of the CO Power Unitwhen sliding the power unit into place against therear rail of the enclosure. Place the ribbon cablebetween the power module and the side of the COpower tray (see Figure 2-3). The SDCP ribboncable is connected to the back of the SDCP afterthe CO Power Unit is installed.Connect the ground strap to the nearest solidframe ground point (e.g., the rails on which thecarrier is mounted). Do not connect the groundstrap to the carrier.