MIB DescriptionsC-197112-A2-GB20-20 March 1998DS1 Near End Group Total Table ObjectsThe DS1 Near End Group Total Table contains various statistics being collectedfor the current 15-minute interval. The following objects are provided for thenetwork interface only. Objects in the DS1 Total Table that are not listed beloware not supported and will return an error status if access is attempted.Table C-10. DS1 Near End Group Total Table ObjectsObject, OID, Access Description Setting/Contentsdsx1TotalIndex(dsx1TotalEntry 1 ) index that identifies thenetwork interface.Supports the following values: 1 to 7FFFFFFF.dsx1TotalESs(dsx1TotalEntry 2 ) Seconds for theprevious 24-hour interval.An integer number.dsx1TotalSESs(dsx1TotalEntry 3 ) Errored Secondsfor the previous 24-hourinterval.dsx1TotalUASs(dsx1TotalEntry 5 ) Seconds forthe previous 24-hourinterval.dsx1TotalCCSs(dsx1TotalEntry 6 ) Slip Seconds forthe previous 24-hourinterval.dsx1TotalBESs(dsx1TotalEntry 9) Errored Seconds forthe previous 24-hourinterval.