MTU-M Maintenance Functions6-8 7900-A2-GB20-00March 1998The following table provides a description of the network management options:Field FunctionIP Address Contains the IP address of the MTU-M card itself.Subnet Mask Contains the Subnet Mask of the MTU-M card.SNMP ManagerAddressContains the IP Address of your SNMP Manager.Default GatewayAddressContains the address of the gateway that is to be used to reachhosts that are not on the same subnet as the MTU-M.Broadcast Address Indicates whether or not alarms are automatically displayedon the system terminal as they occur.System Contact Allows you to enter up to 128 ASCII characters. This field isfor informational purposes only.System Name Allows you to enter up to 128 ASCII characters. This field isfor informational purposes only.System Location Allows you to enter up to 128 ASCII characters. This field isfor informational purposes only.Change Password Allows you to change your MTU-M password. The defaultpassword is new.Menu path: Main →Maintenance →netconfig(Screen 2 of 3)Would you like to modify values? [Y/N]:: YYou must enter password to modify values: newThe following values have been copied to a work buffer andindividual changes will be made to the variables in the work buffer.When finished with changes, enter and you will be asked if you want the changes saved.Hit return to continue ...