39PrivilegeEach user in the 2120 user database is assigned a privilege that identi-fies how each user may interact with the Model 2120. The three types ofprivileges that exist in the Model 2120 are defined as follows:User - The User privilege permits a user to access only the serialinterface. If the Model 2120 is configured for Telnet / TCP or Raw-TCP operation, the user may connect to serial interface over theLAN and receive/transmit data. If the Model 2120 is configured forPPP (and PAP security is enabled), the user may connect from aremote PPP client through a modem connected to the serial inter-face of the Model 2120 and receive / transmit data over the LAN.Admin - The Admin privilege permits a user to access only theadministrative management and configuration/status functions ofthe Model 2120 over the LAN via Telnet session.Both - The Both privilege provides a user with both User and Adminprivileges.Creating UsersCreating a user is accomplished by executing the following command atthe 2120 command system prompt:TS>configure userdatabase createuser username,pass-word,privilegeSome examples of creating users are as follows:TS>configure userdatabase createuserjohn,1234abc,userTS>configure userdatabase createuseral,blue,adminTS> configure userdatabase createusertom,98lk12,bothTS>configure activateactivate is complete!Viewing the active users in the 2120 user database is accomplished byexecuting the following command at the 2120 command system prompt:TS>show userdatabase all--> User Database <--john,1234abc,useral,blue,admintom,98lk12,both