13How to Use the On Screen Display (OSD)Special Controls windowAAddvvanced Controlsanced ControlsVERVERTICTICAL LINEARITYAL LINEARITYADVANCED CONTROLS is a set of five adjustments, includingVERTICAL LINEARITY. Linearity is the degree with which theactual location of a pixel on the screen corresponds with its intendedlocation. To adjust your VERTICAL LINEARITY, follow the steps below.ADVANCED CONTROLSVERTICAL LINEARITY22Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.33 Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bring upADVANCED CONTROLSscreen.44Turn the ROTARY knob untilVERTICAL LINEARITY is highlighted.Then, press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.Turn the ROTARYknob until theADVANCED CONTROLSicon is highlighted.11R IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNESS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iR IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNE SS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iTurn the ROTARY knob toadjust the vertical linearity.VERTICAL LINEARITY5 0 %Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to add youradjustment and to bringup ADVANCED CONTROLSscreen.5566AAddvvanced Controlsanced ControlsUP & BUTTOM CORNERUP & BUTTOM CORNERADVANCED CONTROLS is a set of Six adjustments.They include U P C ORNER , B UTTOM C ORNER ,V ERTICAL L INEARITY, M OIRE , R OTARY D EFAULT, and P OWER S AVING . C ORNERCORRECTION “squares up” the corners of an image on the screen Toadjust your CORNER CORRECTION, follow the steps below.ADVANCED CONTROLSma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p e1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iR IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNESS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iR IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNE SS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d i22Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.33 Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bring upADVANCED CONTROLSscreen.44If necessary, turn the ROTARYknob until UP CORNER ORBUTTOM CORNER is highlighted.Then, press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.Turn the ROTARY knob to adjustthe UP CORNER OR BUTTOMCORNER.Turn the ROTARYknob until theADVANCED CONTROLSicon is highlighted.11Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bring upADVANCED CONTROLSscreen.66ADVANCED CONTROLSma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p e1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d i55Smart HelpAfter returning to ADVANCED CONTROLS . . .. . . to continue to MOIRE, turn the ROTARY knob until MOIRE icon ishighlighted. Next, follow steps 4 - 7 under MOIRE.. . . to exit completely, press the OSD button and hold for 1.5seconds. (See page 16 for other exit options.)Smart HelpAfter returning to ADVANCED CONTROLS . . .. . . to continue to VERTICAL LINEARITY, turn the ROTARY knob until VERTICALLINEARITY icon is highlighted. Next, follow steps 4 - 6 under VERTICALLINEARITY (on the next page).. . . to exit completely, press the OSD button and hold for 1.5seconds. (See page 16 for other exit options.)