4How to Use the On Screen Display (OSD)BrightnesBrightnesss22To adjust your screen’s brightness, follow the steps below.Brightness is the overall intensity of the light coming from thescreen. A 50% brightness level is recommended.Smart HelpAfter returning to MAIN CONTROLS . . .. . .to continue to CONTRAST, turn the ROTARY knob until the CONTRASTicon is highlighted. Next, follow steps 3 - 5 under CONTRAST.. . . to exit completely, press the OSD button and hold for 1.5seconds. (See page 16 for other exit options.)11 Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button tohighlight theBRIGHTNESS icon.Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bringup BRIGHTNESSscreen.Turn the ROTARY knob (at thelower right-hand corner of themonitor) to adjust thebrightness.Press theON SCREENDISPLAY button toreturn to MAINCONTROLSwindow.ContrContrastastTo adjust your screen’s contrast, follow the steps below.Contrast is the difference between the light and dark areas onthe screen. A 100% contrast level is recommended.Smart HelpAfter returning to MAIN CONTROLS . . .. . . to continue to DEGAUSS, turn the ROTARY knob until the DEGAUSS iconis highlighted. Next, follow steps 3 - 4 under DEGAUSS. . . to exit completely, press the OSD button and hold for 1.5seconds. (See page 16 for other exit options).2233Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bringup CONTRASTscreen.Turn the ROTARY knob toadjust the contrast.Press theON SCREENDISPLAY button toreturn to MAINCONTROLSwindow.Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.Next, turn theROTARY knob untilthe CONTRAST icon ishighlighted.11Main Controls window44 4433