AAddvvanced Controlsanced ControlsRRototarary Defy DefaulaulttR OTARY D EFAULT allows you to pick the feature yourROTARY knob will default to when not used in adjustingyour ON SCREEN DISPLAY. The normal default is volume. To select yourROTARY DEFAULT, follow the steps below.ADVANCED CONTROLSROTARY DEFAULT22Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.33 Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bring upADVANCED CONTROLSscreen.44 Turn the ROTARY knob until ROTARYDEFAULT is highlighted. Then, pressthe ON SCREEN DISPLAY button.Turn the ROTARYknob until theADVANCED CONTROLSicon is highlighted.11R IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNESS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iR IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNE SS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iTurn the ROTARYknob to selectBRIGHTNESS,CONTRAST, orVOLUME.Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to add youradjustment andreturn to ADVANCEDCONTROLS.5566ROTARY DEFAULTVOLUMEROTARY DEFAULTCONTRASTROTARY DEFAULTBRIGHTNESS14How to Use the On Screen Display (OSD)Special Controls windowAAddvvanced Controlsanced ControlsMOIREMOIREADVANCED CONTROLS is a set of five adjustments, includingM OIRE . M OIRE is a fringe pattern arising from theinterference between two superimposed line patterns. To adjust yourM OIRE , follow the steps below.Note: Use only if necessary. Byactivating MOIRE, sharpness can be affected.ADVANCED CONTROLSma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p e1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d i22Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.33 Press the ONSCREEN DISPLAYbutton to bring upADVANCED CONTROLSscreen.Turn the ROTARYknob until theADVANCED CONTROLSicon is highlighted.11R IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNESS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iR IGHBma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p eTNE SS1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iADVANCED CONTROLSMOIRETurn the ROTARY knob toadjust the moire.66HORIZONTAL7 0 %Press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button to addyour adjustment and tobring up ADVANCEDCONTROLS screen.See SMART HELP toselect VERTICAL MOIRE orturn MOIRE OFF.77MOIREHORIZONTALOFFTurn the ROTARY knob untilHORIZONTAL MOIRE ishighlighted. Then, pressthe ON SCREEN DISPLAYbutton.5544 Turn the ROTARY knob untilMOIRE is highlighted. Then,press the ON SCREENDISPLAY button.Smart HelpTo select VERTICAL MOIRE or to turn Moire OFF, follow the stepsabove, selecting VERTICAL MOIRE or Moire OFF in step 5.After returning to ADVANCED CONTROLS . . .. . . to continue to ROTARY DEFAULT, turn the ROTARY knob until ROTARYDEFAULT icon is highlighted. Next, follow steps 4 - 6 under ROTARYDEFAULT.. . . to exit completely, press the OSD button and hold for 1.5seconds. (See page 16 for other exit options.)ADVANCED CONTROLSma i n r e e ns ce t r yg e om o l o rcc i a ls p e1 2 001 6 0 0 x 9 3 . 8 K / 7 5HZRESETEXIToa u d iSmart HelpAfter returning to ADVANCED CONTROLS . . .. . . to continue to POWER SAVING, turn the ROTARY knob until POWERSAVING is highlighted. Next, follow steps 3 - 6 under POWER SAVING.. . . to exit completely, press the OSD button and hold for 1.5seconds. (See page 16 for other exit options.)