123.3 SmartSaturateWhat is it?Smart technology that controls color saturation,the degree to which one on screen color isblended in neighboring colors, to deliver rich andvibrant images for more entertainment fun whenyou are viewing videos.Why do I need it?You want rich, vibrant images for moreentertainment fun when viewing photos orvideos.How does it work?SmartSaturate dynamically controls colorsaturation, the degree to which on-screen coloris blended in neighboring colors, to deliver rich,vibrant display for more entertainment fun whenyou are viewing images or videos in your display'sMovie or Game mode. It is turned off for topquality display of office application and in theEconomy mode to reduce power consumption.3.4 SmartSharpnessWhat is it?Smart technology that enhances sharpness whenyou need it for ultimate display performance andmore entertainment fun when you are viewingvideos or photos.Why do I need it?You want the ultimate in sharpness for moreentertainment fun when viewing photos or videos.How does it work?Smart technology enhances sharpness when youneed it for ultimate display performance and moreentertainment fun when you are viewing videos orphotos in the Movie or Game mode. It is turnedoff for top quality display of office applicationsand in the Economy mode to reduce powerconsumptions.