13First launch -WizardThe first time after installation of SmartControl•Premium, it will automatically go to Wizard forfirst time launch.The wizard will guide you through adjustment•your monitor performance step by step.You can go to Plug-in menu to launch wizard•later on as well.You can adjust more options without wizard•by Standard pane.3.5 Philips SmartControl PremiumThe new SmartControl Premium softwareby Phillips allows you to control your monitorvia an easy to use on-screen graphic interface.Complicated adjustments are a thing of the pastas this user friendly software guides you throughfine-tuning resolution, Color calibration,Clock/Phase adjustments, RGB White pointadjustment, etc.Equipped with latest technology in core algorithmfor fast processing and response, this Windows7 compliant eye catching animated Icon basedsoftware is ready to enhance your experiencewith Philips monitors!InstallationFollow the instruction and complete the•installation.You can launch after installation is completed.•If you want to launch later, you can either click•the shortcut on desktop or toolbar.