ENGLISH• 25 •• (Fig.15) - Remove the “Crema” filter holderfrom the machine by turning it from right toleft and empty out any water inside it.• Fit the pod into the filter holder; make surethe pod paper does not come out from thefilder holder.• (Fig.10) - Fit the “Crema” filter holder intothe brew unit (8) from below.• (Fig.11) - Turn the filter holder from left toright until it locks into place.• (Fig.12) - Take 1 pre-warmed cup and putit beneath the filter holder; make sure itis correctly positioned beneath the coffeedispensing nozzles.• (Fig.13) - Press the coffee button (4).• When you have dispensed the desiredamount of coffee, press the coffee button(4) again to stop flow and remove the cupcontaining the coffee (Fig.14).• (Fig.15) - After dispensing, wait someseconds, remove the filter holder, anddispose of the pod used.Cleaning note: keep the coffeefilter clean by detaching it from the“Crema” filter holder and washing it withdrinking water (Fig.16).6 CHOOSING THE TYPE OFCOFFEE - TIPSGenerally speaking, you can use any type ofcommercially available coffee.However, coffee is a natural product and itsflavour will vary depending on where it comesfrom and the blend used; it is thus a good ideato try out different types until you find the onethat best suits your personal taste.For best results you should use blends specificallyprepared for espresso coffee machines.Coffee should flow out smoothly from the“Crema” filter holder without dripping.The speed of flow can be adjusted by slightlychanging the amount of coffee in the filter and/or using coffee with a finer or coarser grind.B E F O R E A T T E M P T I N G A N YO P E R AT I O N I N VO LV I N G T H ERELEASE OF STEAM OR HOT WATER,MAKE SURE THAT THE STEAM TUBE(“PANNARELLO”) IS POSITIONED OVERTHE DRIP TRAY.7 DISPENSING HOT WATERDanger of scalding! Brief sprays ofhot water may be discharged at first.The dispensing tube can reach very hightemperatures: avoiding touching it directlywith your hands.• (Fig.4B) - If the machine is off, turn it on bypressing the ON/OFF switch (2); the light (3)will go on.• Wait until the temperature ready light (5) goeson.• (Fig.17) - Place a container or mug beneaththe steam tube (“pannarello”).Turn the “Hot water/steam” knob (7)counterclockwise to open.• (Fig.18) - Press the coffee button (4) todispense hot water.• When you have dispensed the desired quantityof hot water, press the coffee button (4)again.• (Fig.19) - Turn the knob (7) clockwise toclose. Remove the container of hot water.8 D I S P E N S I N G S T E A M /MAKING CAPPUCCINODanger of scalding!The steam may be preceded by briefsprays of hot water. The dispensing tubecan reach very high temperatures: avoidingtouching it directly with your hands.• (Fig.4B) - If the machine is off, turn it on bypressing the ON/OFF switch (2); the light (3)will go on.• (Fig.20) - Press the (6) steam switch. Thetemperature ready light will go off (5).• Wait until the temperature ready light (5)goes back on. Now the machine is ready toChoosing the type of coffee - Making cappuccino