ENGLISH• 27 •steam knob (7) clockwise to shut off flow.• (Fig.4B) - You should allow the descaling agentto act for about 10-15 minutes during eachinterval; in the meantime, turn off the machineby pressing the ON/OFF switch (2). Empty outthe container.• (Fig.2) - When all the descaling solution hasbeen run through the machine, take out thewater tank, rinse it out and refill it with freshdrinking water.• (Fig.3; Fig.5) - Place the tank back insidethe machine. Empty out 2/3 of the waterin the tank by turning the steam knob (7)counterclockwise and pressing the coffeeswitch (4); to shut off flow press the coffeeswitch (4) again and turn the steam knob (7)clockwise.• Let the machine heat up and empty outthe remaining water in the tank by turningthe steam knob (7) counterclockwise andpressing the coffee switch (4); to shut off flowpress the coffee switch (4) again and turn thesteam knob (7) clockwise.Should you use a descaling productother than the one recommended,make sure in any case to follow themanufacturer’s directions on the package.11 REGULAR SERVICINGHaving your machine regularly serviced by anAuthorised Service Centre will extend its life andkeep it performing reliably.Keep the original packing container to protectthe machine during transport.12 LEGAL INFORMATION• These operating instructions contain allthe necessary information for proper use,operation and upkeep of the appliance.• The user must be acquainted with theseinstructions and observe them carefully inorder to operate and maintain the appliancesafely and avoid hazards.• If you wish to receive further informationRegular servicing - Legal informationor encounter any particular problems youfeel have not been explained with sufficientclarity in these operating instructions, pleasecontact your local dealer or the manufacturerdirectly.• You should note, moreover, that the contentsherein do not form part of a previous oralready existing agreement or legal contractand thus do not affect the substance of thelatter.• All the manufacturer’s obligations are basedon the conditions set forth in the contractof sale, which also contains complete andexclusive terms with regard to warrantyservices.• The warranty terms specified in the contractare neither limited nor extended by theexplanations provided herein.• These operating instructions contain informa-tion protected by copyright.• They may not be photocopied or translated intoanother language without the Manufacturer’sprior written consent.13 DISPOSAL• Appliances no longer in use should berendered unusable.• Unplug the machine, and remove the electriccable.• At the end of their life appliances should betaken to a suitable waste collection facility.