User Manual BDH4222V/4223V348.2 WIDESCREEN (16:9 ASPECT RATIO) VIEWINGMODESUnderstanding Widescreen ModesThis plasma monitor is capable of displaying a widescreen image on thenative 16:9 aspect ratio screen. However, not all available broadcast orvideo content fits perfectly in a widescreen (16:9) format resulting inunused screen space. Please use the following guidelines to determinesuitable widescreen viewing modes available that best support the typeof broadcast / video content you wish to display. All widescreen viewingmodes are available by pressing the WIDE key. Pressing the WIDE keywill repeatedly cycle through:For 4:3 Aspect Ratio (Square) ContentContent from VCR, and some DVD’s are formatted using a “square” 4:3format.Then we recommend the following three viewing options:■ 4:3 (NORMAL)In 4:3 mode, the original 4:3 image is preserved but black bars areadded to the the extra space on the left and right.■ 16:9 (FULL)The original 4:3 image is proportionally stretched to fill the entirescreen.■ PANORAMAThe original 4:3 image is expanded in both the horizontal and verticaldirections. The center of the picture is almost normal while theedges are considerably expanded.For Widescreen ContentMany popular DVD titles are "anamorphic" (widescreen); however,there are two predominant “anamorphic” (widescreen) aspect ratios:2.35:1 and 1.85:1. When a 2.35:1 content is displayed on this 16:9widescreen monitor, you will notice smaller black bars on top orbottom of the screen. When a 1.85:1 content is displayed, you will stillsee black bars, but not as large as 2.35:1.If you do not want to see the black bars when playing back a widescreenmovie, you can set to ZOOM 2 or ZOOM 3 to fully stretch the image.■ ZOOM: 1Zoom1 shifts the image up to faciliate the display of subtitles.■ ZOOM: 2Zoom 2 is set to stretch 1.85:1 content to full screen eliminating theblack bars.■ ZOOM: 3Zoom 3 is set to stretch 2.35:1 content to full screen eliminating theblack bars.