User Manual BDH4222V/4223V42.Table below shows an explanation of the picture adjustments available for AV:CONTRASTIncreases or decreases the level of white in the video picture. Increasing contrast will make white areas of thevideo picture brighter. Contrast works in conjuction with Brightness.BRIGHTEnhances the level of dark areas in the video picture such as night scenes and shadow scenes. Increasing brightnesswill make dark areas more visible.COLORAdjusts the color saturation of the video picture. Increasing color will make the color more intense. Reducingcolor setting will make the color less intense.TINTAdjusts the color of fleshtones. Increase in the right direction will shift the picture with more green in appearance.Decreasing setting in left direction will shift the picture with more red in appearance.SHARPNESSAjusts the amount of detail enhancement to the video picture. Increasing the setting will enhance the edges ofobjects in the video picture. Decreasing the setting will reduce enhancement.COLOR TEMPERATUREAdjusts the white balance. There are tree settings to choose: COOL; NORMAL,WARM. .CLOCK PHASEFine-tunes the monitor to perfectly synchronize the video’s signal source.SCREEN WIDTHSelects the various screen width modes. See page 34 for more information.)NOISE REDUCTIONAdjusts the Noice level. There are four settings to choose: OFF; lOW; MEDIUM;HIGH.