• 16 •Light Signals Causes SolutionsSteady onThe machine has reached the right temperature andis now ready:- For coffee brewing;- For hot water dispensing;- For steam dispensingSlowly fl ashing The machine is warming up to brew coffee anddispense hot water or steam.Quickly fl ashing Machine is overheating. Coffee may not be brewed. The water must be drained into a container by turning theselector switch clockwise to the “ ” position until the greenready temperature light “ “ stays constantly on. After that, stopdispensing water.Slowly fl ashingIndicates that the machine is programming theamount of coffee to brew (see section “Adjusting theBrewed Coffee”).Steady onThe machine is brewing a double coffeeSteady onLow water level. Fill the water tank with fresh drinking water. After refi lling the watertank, the indicator light turns off.Steady onThe coffee bean hopper is empty. Fill the hopper with coffee beans and start the procedure again.The dregdrawer is full With the machine turned on, empty the dregdrawer. The dregdrawermust be emptied after every 8 coffee cycles. If the dregdrawer isemptied with the machine turned off, or when the indicator lightis not illuminated, the count of coffee cycles is not reset. For thisreason, the indicator light to empty the dregdrawer may illuminateeven when it is not full.Quickly fl ashingThe water circuit is empty. Fill the tank with fresh drinking water and prime the water circuit asdescribed in Section “Using the Machine for the First Time”.Slowly fl ashingBrew group not inserted. Dregdrawer not inserted.Service door open. Control dial is not in correct position.Make sure that all components have been correctly inserted andclosed. The blinking red light will now turn off.+Blinking in counter-clockwise direction (cyclical)The machine is performing the rinse/self-cleaningcycleThe machine ends the cycle automatically.You can interrupt the cycle by pressing either coffee button.FlashingalternatelyA fault has occurred in the brew group. Try again to brew another coffee.+FlashingsimultaneouslyA fault has occurred in the machine and hot water,steam or coffee cannot be dispensed.Turn the machine off. After 30-seconds, turn it back on.Try this 2 or 3 times.If the machine does NOT start, contact an authorized service center.CONTROL PANEL LIGHTS