Quadra-Fire • Expression 36 (QV36A-FB) • 2062-900 Rev. Q • 2/102077 Appliance PreparationA. Removing Non-combustible Facing Mate-rial AssemblyThe non-combustible assembly is located on the backside of appliance.CAUTIONHandle with care• Non-combustible material may be damaged if dropped.• Hold non-combustible pieces in place.• Remove and save two screws from upper bracket.• Remove non-combustible pieces.• Remove and save three screws from lower bracket.• Discard brackets.• Replace screws in holes where brackets were attachedto appliance.B. Installing the Optional Heat-Zone-Gas KitBefore installing finishing materials, use these instructions toattach the Heat-Zone-Gas kit to the top of the QV36A-FB.REMOVE SCREWS1. Remove the four screws that attach the Heat ZoneCover Plate to the top of the appliance.Figure 7.1. Remove Screws.2. Bend the four pre-cut tabs up to expose the top of theappliance. Place the Heat Zone cover plate on theinsulation inside the unit centered between the threepre-cut tabs that are the same size as shown in Figure7.2. Use the Heat Zone cover plate as a template andcut around it carefully with a utility knife.CAUTIONSharp Edges• Wear protective gloves and safetyglasses during installation.BEND TABS UPCUT LINEFigure 7.2. Bend Tabs and Cut Insulation.COVER PLATE HOLESFigure 7.3.3. Discard the Heat Zone cover plate and insulationpiece that was cut out. See Figure 7.3. With a self-tapping screw or drill bit, drill out the three holes on thecover plate of the appliance. This will make it easier tomount the Heat-Zone-Gas collar.4. Remove the four screws securing the cover plate tothe inside of the appliance and discard them alongwith the cover plate. See Figure 7.4.Figure 7.4.