Chapter 2: DescriptionI/O Management Unit24 Scalar i6000 Planning GuideI/O Management UnitThe I/O management unit is an optional component that providesconnectivity and data path management to a SAN fabric and the hosts.The I/O management unit houses up to four FC I/O blades, whichprovide FC connections for the Fibre Channel drives in the module.The I/O management unit also houses up to two Ethernet Expansionblades, which handle internal Ethernet communication between theMCB and HP LTO-5 and LTO-6 drives. (The control module and each ofthe expansion modules can contain up to 12 FC drives.) The I/Omanagement unit performs all tape drive and library hostcommunication functions in a library that is attached to a SAN.I/O management units may be installed in the control module andexpansion modules. The I/O management unit supports the followingblades:• Control Management Blade• Fibre Channel I/O Blades• Ethernet Expansion BladesWhen FC I/O blades or Ethernet Expansion Blades (EEBs) are installed inthe library, the following rules regarding control management blades(CMBs) apply:• Any module (including the control module) that contains FC I/Oblades or EEBs must also contain a CMB.• A CMB must be installed in the control module and all modules thatcontain drives. Modules that don’t contain drives, blades or networkchassis will contain drive and network jumpers that maintaincommunications between the MCB located in the control moduleand the modules that contain drives, FC I/O blades and EEBs.Control ManagementBladeThe CMB performs unit status monitoring including power and I/Opresent conditions, and internal network switch functions connectingI/O blades with the library management module.