24RAMSETwww.ramsetinc.comRAM 100 • 1000 • 5500TROUBLEShOOTING TABLECONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSES SOLUTIONNO LIGhTS ARE ‘ON’.1. Circuit breaker popped.2. 1/2 amp. fuse blown.3. Power supply damaged onControl Board.1. Reset circuit breaker.2. Replace 1/2 amp. fuse.3. Return Control Board for repair.GATE MOvES A COUPLEOF FEET AND ThENREvERSES.1. E.R.D. too sensitive.1. A) for 1/2 hp motors: turn dip switch“A” 4 ‘On’.B) for 3/4 hp motors: turn dip switch“B” 8 ‘On’.“EXIT” L.E.D. IS ALWAYS‘ON’.1. Faulty accessory connected tothe “Exit”.1. Disconnect all accessories, includingplug-ins, using the “Exit” input. Ifproblem persist, contact Ramset.“REv LOOP” L.E.D.ALWAYS ‘ON’.1. Faulty accessory connectedto the “Rev Loop”.1. Disconnect all accessories, includingplug-ins, using the “Rev Loop” input.If problem persist, contact Ramset.“RADIO” L.E.D. ALWAYS‘ON’.1. Stuck button on Transmitter2. Faulty Receiver.1. Check all transmitters.2. Remove receiver.If problem persist, contact Ramset.GATE DOESN’T OPEN.1. Radio L.E.D. ‘On’.2. 10 amp. fuse blown.3. Opening accessory notfunctioning.1. See above symptoms/solutions.2. Check/replace 10 amp. fuse.3. Check/replace opening accessory.GATE DOESN’T CLOSE.1. No lights are ‘On’.2. Exit, Rev Loop, Radio L.E.D.‘On’.3. 10 amp. fuse blown.4. Thermal/overload buttonpopped on motor.1. See above symptoms/solutions.2. See above symptoms/solutions.3. Check/replace 10 amp. fuse.4. Reset thermal/overload button onthe back of the motor.GATE DOESN’T CLOSEAUTOMATICALLY.1. Dip switches “A” 1-3 are all ‘Off’.2. Dip switch not on all the way.1. Set dip switches “A” 1-3 for auto close.2. Turn off dip switches “A” 1-3, then turnthe appropriate switches back ‘On’.GATE AUTOMATICALLYOPENS, BUT DOESN’TAUTOMATICALLY CLOSE.1. Motor direction wrong. 1. Turn on dip switch “C” 7 (left/right).RADIO/RECEIvER hASNO RANGE.1. Signal blocked.2. Area not suitable for type ofReceiver.1. Make sure antenna is in properposition & not shorted to chassis.2. May need to change to long rangereceiver.