315 - INSTALLATION - Location Appliances located in residentialgarages and in adjacent spaces thatopen to the garage and are not part ofthe living space of a dwelling shall beinstalled not less than 18 inches (46cm) above the floor. The appliance shall be located orprotected so that it is not subject tophysical damage by a moving vehicle.5.3 - Closet andalcove installationsThis heater is approved for theinstallation in an alcove or in a closet, forwhich you have to respect all next rulesabout clearances, ventings, ventilationopenings as per this manual and theNational Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CAN/CSA B149.1,Natural Gas and Propane InstallationCode.WARNING!!! Do not usePVC/CPVC/Polypropyleneexhaust pipe material into acloset or alcove. Into closet oralcove, the only exhaust pipematerial accepted is stainlesssteel. Failure to follow thiswarning could result in excessivelevels of carbon monoxide or afire, which can result in severepersonal injury or death!5.4 - Clearancesfor installation andservicingFigures 5-2, 5-3 and 5-4 shows theminimum clearances required forinstallation and servicing.NOTICE! Service clearances are notmandatory, but are recommended toensure ease of service should it berequired.5.5 - Clearancesfrom combustiblematerialThis heater may be installeddirectly onto a floor of combustiblematerial. See also Figure 5-1 forother clearances from combustiblematerials5.6 - Vent andcombustion airpipingThis heater requires a special ventsystem, designed for pressurizedventing.The heater is to be used for eitherdirect vent installation or for installationusing room combustion air. When roomair is considered, see Section 11.10.Vent and air may be vented verticallythrough the roof or out a side wall,unless otherwise specified. You mayuse any of the vent/air piping methodscovered in Section 11.WARNING!!! Do notattempt to install the heaterusing any other venting / airintake methods than thatexplained on Section 11. Failureto follow this warning couldresult in excessive levels ofcarbon monoxide or a fire, whichcan result in severe personalinjury or death!Be sure to locate the heater such thatthe vent and air piping can be routedthrough the building and properlyterminated.The vent/air piping lengths, routing andtermination method must all complywith the methods and limits given inSection 11.5.7 - Preventcombustion aircontaminationInstall air inlet piping for the heateras described in Section 11. Do notterminate vent/air in locations that canallow contamination of combustion air.Refer to Section 11.2, for products andareas which may cause contaminatedcombustion air.WARNING!!! Ensure thatthe combustion air will notcontain any of the contaminantslisted in Section 11.2.Contaminated combustion airwill damage the heater, resultingin possible severe personalinjury, death or substantialproperty damage.CLEARANCES FROM COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALSCeiling 2 inches (51 mm)Front 2 inches (51 mm)Rear 2 inches (51 mm)Sides 2 inches (51 mm)Floor 0 inches (0 mm)Concentrinc vent 0 inches (0 mm)Split vent (two pipes), first 3 ft from the appliance 1 inch (25 mm)Split vent (two pipes), after 3 ft from the appliance 1/4 inches (7 mm)Supply and return piping 1/4 inches (7 mm)Figure 5-1; Clearances from combustible material