6511 - INSTALLATION - Vent and combustion air11.6 - Air inlet pipematerials:WARNING!!! The airinlet pipe(s) must be sealed.Improper sealed can resultin excessive levels of carbonmonoxide which can resultin severe personal injury ordeath!Choose acceptable combustion airinlet pipe materials from the followinglist:- PVC, CPVC or ABS- AL29-4C, stainless steel materialto be sealed to specification of itsmanufacturer.- Polypropylene material to be sealedto specification of its manufacturer.WARNING!!! Using airintake materials other thanthose specified, mixing thespecified materials, failure toproperly seal all seams andjoints or failure to follow themanufacturer’s instructionscan result in flue gasrecirculation, spillage of flueproducts and carbon monoxideemissions causing severepersonal injury or death.NOTICE! Polypropylene and stainlesssteel pipe may require an adapter (notprovided) to transition between the airinlet connection on the appliance andthe air inlet pipeNOTICE! The use of insulatedmaterial for the combustion airinlet pipe is recommended in coldclimates to prevent the condensationof airborne moisture in the incomingcombustion air.11.6.1 - Sealing of PVC,CPVC or ABS air inletpipeThe PVC, CPVC, or ABS air inlet pipeshould be cleaned and sealed with thepipe manufacturer’s recommendedsolvents and standard commercialpipe cement for the material used.The PVC, CPVC or ABS air inletpipe should use a silicone sealant toensure a proper seal at the applianceconnection and the air inlet capconnection. ABS should use a screwtype clamp to seal the pipe to theappliance air inlet and the air inletcap. Proper sealing of the air inletpipe ensures that combustion air willbe free of contaminants and suppliedin proper volume.When a sidewall or vertical rooftopcombustion air supply system isdisconnected for any reason, the airinlet pipe must be resealed to ensurethat combustion air will be free ofcontaminants and supplied in propervolume.WARNING!!! Failure toproperly seal all joints andseams as required in the airinlet piping may result in fl uegas recirculation, spillageof flue products and carbonmonoxide emissions causingsevere personal injury ordeath.