387.1 - IB boiler waterconnectionsThe boiler comes with the connectionsshown in Figures 6-6 or 6-7 and - Supply andreturn pipingThe boiler is equipped with ASME safetyrelief valves set at 50 PSI (3,4 bar).However, this boiler can be equipped withrelief valves set at maximum 160 PSI(11.2 bar) that is the maximum workingpressure.CAUTION!!! All heating systempiping must be installed inaccordance with the ANSI/ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section IV. All applicable localcodes and ordinances must alsobe followed.CAUTION!!! Before connectingthe boiler to the heating systemthe heating system must bethoroughly flushed to removesediment, flux, filings andother foreign matter. The heatexchanger can be damaged bybuild-up or corrosion due tosediment.CAUTION!!! An approvedinhibitor should be added to theheating system water to preventlimestone and magnetite depositsfrom forming and to protect theboiler from galvanic corrosion.CAUTION!!! The manufacturercannot be held responsible forany damage caused by incorrectuse of additives in the heatingsystem.CAUTION!!! The heating systemmust be designed so that nopiping or radiation elements arehigher than the corrispondentmaximum pressure of the reliefvalve or else the hydraulic headof the system will cause the reliefvalve to open.7 - INSTALLATION - IB boiler water connectionCAUTION!!! Continual freshmake-up water will reduce boilerlife. Mineral buildup in the heatexchanger reduces heat transfer,overheats the stainless steel heatexchanger, and causes failure.Addition of oxygen carried in bymakeup water can cause internalcorrosion in system components.Leaks in boiler or piping mustbe repaired at once to preventmakeup water entering the boiler.CAUTION!!! This boiler cansupply heating water at atemperature up to 203°F (95°C)(setup of the safety high limitthermostat) and pressure of160PSI (11,2 bar). If the heatingsystem is built with materials notable to resist to this temperatureand pressure, contractor mustsupply and install a device thatwill shut-off the boiler beforethe system material’s maximumoperating temperature andpressure are met.CAUTION!!! Risk of systemdamage due to unsuitableheating system water. If oxygen-permeable pipes are used, e.g.for under floor heating systems,the systems must be separatedfrom one another by plate heatexchangers able to resist thecorrosion. Unsuitable heatingsystem water promotes sludgeand corrosion formation. Thiscan result in boiler damage andmalfunction.CAUTION!!! Do not use the boilerto directly heat domestic hot water,swimming pool or spa water.System water piping methodsThis boiler is designed to function ina closed loop pressurized system noless than 15 psi (1 bar). A pressuregauge is included to monitor systempressure. Each boiler installation musthave an air elimination device, whichwill remove air from the system. Installthe boiler so the gas ignition systemcomponents are protected from water(dripping, spraying, etc.), duringappliance operation for basic serviceof circulator replacement, valves, andothers.Low water cutoff deviceOn a boiler installed above radiationlevel, some states and local codesrequire a low water cutoff device at thetime of installation.The low water cutoff terminals arepresent within the line voltage junctionbox.Freeze protectionFreeze protection for new or existingsystems must use glycol that isspecially formulated for this purpose.This includes inhibitors, which preventthe glycol from attacking the metallicsystem components. Make certain tocheck that the system fluid is correctfor the glycol concentration andinhibitor level. The system should betested at least once a year and asrecommended by the producer of theglycol solution. Allowance should bemade for the expansion of the glycolsolution in the system piping.WARNING!!! Never usenon-approved additives or toxicboiler treatment chemicals inthe heating system as they cancause serious health problemsor possibly death. Any additivesintroduced into the heatingsystem must be recognized assafe by the United States Foodand Drug Administration.WARNING!!! Use onlyinhibited propylene glycolsolutions, which are specificallyformulated for hydronicsystems. Ethylene glycol istoxic and can attack gasketsand seals used in hydronicsystems. Failure to comply withthis provisions could result insevere personal injury, death orsubstantial property damage.CAUTION!!! If glycol is used,it must be used in accordancewith the instructions suppliedwith the product.