47C ommer c ial Us e Exc ludedThi s limited warrant y onl y applies t o prod ucts use d fo r p ersona l use and does not cover anyproduct use d for institutio nal, comm erc ial or r ental p urp oses.LIMITAT IO N O F WARRANTYTHI S LIMITE D W ARRANT Y I S TH E S OL E AN D EXCLUSIVE WARR ANT Y APPLICABLE T O THISLA R PURPOSE). N O VERBAL O R WRITT ENPRO DUCT . O N C OR P US , INC., T HE MANUFACTUR ER O F THI S PRO DUCT , DIS CLAIM S ALLOTH ER WARRANTIES, LUDIN G AL L IMPL IE D WARRANTIESEXPRESSED OR IMPLIE D (INCOF MERCHANTABILITY O R FITNESS FO R A PARTICUINF ORMATIO N GIVEN BY O N COR P US, INC. , IT S AGENTS, INDEPENDENTCONTRACTORS, SALES REPRESENTATIVES, EMP LOYEES, RETAIL DEALERS, WHOLESALEDISTRIBUTOR S O R ANY OTHER TH IR D PART Y SHALL CREAT E A GUARANTY ORINCREASE . EXPAN D OR MODIFY THE SCOPE OF THIS LIMITED WARRAN TY.THI S LIMITED WARRANT Y PROVIDES TH E SOL E AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR THECONSUM ER O F REPAIR O R REPLACEMENT O F TH E PRODUCT. O N CORP US, INC . SHALLNOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORTH E US E O F TH E PRODUCT OR A RISI NG O UT O F A BREACH EXPRESSE D O R IMPLIEDCONSEQUENTIAL DAM AGES ARISING OUT OFWARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCT.THI S LIMITED W ARRAN TY AND TH E DISCLAI MERS CONTAINED H EREI N ARE GOVERNED BYTH E LAWS O F TH E STAT E O F INDIANA. EXCEPT T O TH E EXTENT PROHIBITED BYAPPLICABL E LAW , ANY IMPLIED WARR ANT Y O F MERCHANTABILITY O R FITNE SS FO R APARTICUL AR PURPOSE I S LIMITED T O APPLI CABL E LIMITE D WARRANTY PERIOD(S) SETFORTH ABOVE.THIS W ARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGA L RIGHT S AND YO U AL SO MA Y HAVE OTH ERRIGHTS TH AT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.RCA is a trademark of RCA Trademark Management SAS and used under license by ON CorporationItem s Not C overed By Lim ite d WarrantyYour limited warranty d oes not c over the followi ng items:Un-installation, installation and adjustment of customer controls a nd operating instruct ion.Batteries an d cust ome r replacement fuses.Dam ag e du e t o mis use, abuse, n egl igenc e or n eglect i ncl udi ng but , not l imite d to , d amageresulting fro m expos ure to moi sture, humidity o r salt.Inability to r eceive a signal due to problems not caused by the pro duct.Dam age to the product due to images b urnt into the screen.Product purchased or serviced outside of Country of Original Purchase.-i.e. Purchased USA can not be serviced in Mexico/Purchased in Mexico can not be serviced in USA.Prod uct mod ified or incorporated into other pro duc ts.Dam age due to acts of nature, includi n g but not limited to, lightnin g damage or floodi ng.Service cal ls wh ich do no t in vo lve an y de fec t in ma terials o r w ork manship.