Chapter 1 17Connections and SetupThe Remote Control Buttons(listed alphabetically)This section describes what each button does when theremote is operating the DVD Player .3-D Press this button to simulate a 3-D sur round ef fect fr om2 ster eo speakers (this featur e only works if the disc wasrecor ded using Dolby Sur round or Dolby Digital).Arrow buttons Use the ar row buttons (left, right, up, anddown) to move thr ough the on-scr een menus. Y ou highlight amenu item by pr essing the ar row buttons and select ahighlighted item by pr essing the OK button.ANGLE Press this button to access various camera angles ona disc (this featur e only works if the disc contains multiplecamera angles).AUDIO Use this button to access various audio languageson a disc (if the disc contains multiple audio str eams).CLEAR Clears menus and on-scr een displays.FORMAT If the DVD for mat is 16:9 and if the Scr een For matoption of the Player Menu is set as 16:9 wide, you can usethis button to toggle the dif fer ent display options.FORWARD Allows you to sear ch for war d thr ough a discwhile it is in play mode. Each pr ess of the button incr easesthe sear ch speed. When in Pause mode, pr ess to sear chforward at slow speed.GO BACK When you’r e using the DVD Player ’s menusystem, pr ess this button to r etur n to the pr eceding menuscreen.GUIDE Allows you to see the titles that ar e available on thecurrent disc (if the disc contains a guide menu).INDEX Brings up the index scr een for DVD and VCD discs.INFO Press this button while you’r e playing a disc to seethe on-scr een infor mation banner . The infor mation bannercontains various playback featur es and gives you infor mationabout the disc you’r e playing.MARKER Press this button to access the Marker info banner .The Marker info banner allows you to set markers at pointson the disc that you’d like to r etur n to.MENU To see the disc’ s menu, pr ess this button whenyou’r e playing a disc. T o see the DVD player ’s menu, pr essthis button when a disc is not playing.Number buttons (0-9) Use the number buttons to inputinfor mation such as chapter numbers, track numbers, or tomake selections on some menu scr eens (if a number appearsnext to a menu item).361 25748 90PLAY MODEFORWARDSTOP PAUSEINFOPLAYREVERSEREPEAT 3-DFORMATMARKER INDEXZOOMANGLESUBTITLEAUDIOOPEN CLOSEON OFFGO BACKMENUGUIDECLEARSKIP - SKIP+OKNote:Some of the buttons on theremote (3-D, Angle, etc.) won’twork if the disc wasn’t createdwith that particular feature.For example, if you pressANGLE, but the disc’s authordidn’t put multiple cameraangles on the disc, you won’tsee a different angle (the iconwill appear to indicate thatthe ANGLE button is inactive).