Measures prior to commissioningOperating_Manual_Fan_KXE_04_en.docx 63 / 128Refer also to chapter 8.8 Connecting the monitoring devicesin this regard.Set the monitoring devices in accordance with the followinglimit values for “pre-alarm” and “disconnection”.Incorporate these limit values in the control system of theplant. If the limit values for “pre-alarm” and “disconnection”are exceeded, a visual signal must be displayed or anacoustic signal sounded in the control room.For values above the limit values for “disconnection”,shut down the fan immediately and rectify the causeof the fault. Only when the fault has been rectifiedmay the fan be restarted.DANGERExtremely high fan vibrations or bearing temperatures!Fatalities or extremely serious injuries resulting from tippingdue to fixings of the fan becoming loose, or due to theejection of parts.→ Ensure continuous monitoring of the fan condition.→ Check functional efficiency of the monitoring devices.→ Shut down the fan if the limit values are exceeded.Refer to chapter 8.9.→ Rectify the faults. Refer to chapter 11.Measures to be implemented if the limit values areexceeded:Exceeding limit value for … MeasurePre-alarm Operation of the fanpermissible for a fewminutes underobservation. The fancould sustain damage.Disconnection Shut down and switch offthe fan immediately.Rectify the fault. Refer tochapter 11.8.9 Monitoring devices limit valuesTable 8-4 Measures to be implemented if the limitvalues are exceeded