Technical Manual Installation and OperationRELM/ BK RADIO 27When setting up the radio it is recommended that all measurement and adjustmentsare done on a channel that is in the centre of the frequency spread of the channels.This minimises any errors due to frequency changing. Alternatively if the frequencyspread of the channels is too large then you may wish to calibrate and align everychannel. (In most cases this will not be necessary). Both individual and groupalignment will be covered.The channel may be selected via the Channel Screen in built menu system software,using the software channel select or in hardware via the front channel select.7.1.4 Setting CTCSS/DCSSMX920 Controller CTCSS Setup:1. The RF channels that are required to be CTCSS controlled should be programmedwith the required CTCSS Subtone in the TX and / or RX channel fields.SMX920 CTCSS / DCS Testing:1. The use of the DCS / CTCSS encoder / decoder will require a ‘Peak Deviationand Modulation Balance Alignment’ as per Section 7.1.9 of the Technical manual.This alignment is to be performed without the CTCSS frequencies or DCS codesprogrammed into the alignment channel as the subtone levels will give a falseindication of the peak deviation levels. The SMX920 contains circuitry thatautomatically scales the deviation so the nominal deviation is not exceeded whena sub tone is transmitted.7.1.5 Power CalibrationDO NOT USE THIS PROCEDURE TO SET THE TX OUTPUT POWER.REFER 7.1.8 TX POWER ADJUSTMENT TO DO THIS.Power calibration affects the forward and reflected power meters on the DiagnosticsScreen. This procedure requires a power meter and the relevant leads to connect thetransmitter output to the meter. Power calibration is done using in built menu systemvia the Calibration Screen. To complete the power calibration, follow the instructionsthat Built in menu system provides.These readings are subsequently used for the real-time update and display of theVSWR. The live VSWR values are used in the PA protection routines in the firmware.7.1.6 RSSI CalibrationThe RSSI calibration is used to calibrate the RSSI meter on the in built menu systemvia Diagnostics Screen. The procedure requires an RF signal generator and therelevant leads to connect the signal generator to the RF input of the SMX920 BaseStation. RSSI calibration is done via Calibration Screen. To complete the RSSIcalibration, follow the instructions that in built menu system provides.7.1.7 Temperature CalibrationThe temperature calibration is used to calibrate the temperature meter on the in builtmenu system via Diagnostics Screen and the temperature controlled switch/alarmpoints. The procedure requires dummy cable for SKB on the micro controller having a