20Note: If you turned the key tone off (see“Turning the Key Tone On or Off” onPage 21), the scanner does not beepwhen you hold down S/S-LOCKOUT.Removing Lockout fromChannelsFollow these steps to remove the lock-out from a channel while scanning.1. Press MANUAL to stop scanning.2. Use the number keys to enter thechannel number you want to deletethe lockout from.3. Press MANUAL.4. Repeatedly press LOCKOUT untilL/O disappears.To remove the lockout from all channelswhile scanning, use the number keys toselect the banks containing the skippedchannels, press MANUAL, then holddown LOCKOUT until the scanner beepstwice.Note: If you turned off the key tone (see“Turning the Key Tone On or Off” onPage 21), the scanner does not beepwhen you hold down LOCKOUT.PRIORITYThe priority feature lets you scanthrough programmed channels and stillnot miss important or interesting calls onspecific channels. You can program onestored channel in each bank as a prioritychannel (up to 10 total). As the scannerscans, it checks the priority channels ineach selected bank for activity every 2seconds.Notes:• You can skip priority channels. If youskip all priority channels, the scan-ner displays P CH LOC OUt whenyou turn on the priority feature. See“Skipping Frequencies/Channels”on Page 19.• The priority feature must be turnedoff to listen to monitor memories.The scanner automatically designatesthe first channel in each bank as thatbank’s priority channel. Follow thesesteps to program a different channel asthe priority channel.1. Press PROGRAM.2. Use the number keys to enter thechannel number you want to pro-gram as the priority channel, thenpress PRIORITY. P appears to theright of the channel number.3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for eachchannel you want to program as apriority channel.To review the priority channel numbersfor all banks, press PROGRAM then re-peatedly press PRIORITY.To turn on priority, press PRIORITY dur-ing scanning or when MAN appears.PRI appears, and the scanner checksthe priority channel in each selectedbank every 2 seconds. It stays on thechannel if there is activity, and P ap-pears.20-422.fm Page 20 Friday, January 7, 2000 12:54 PM