![Rae VRAE PGM-7800 Operation And Maintenance Manual Manual pdf 11 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4187366/3d3bea70b79c4be46a71548e451e873511f.jpg)
GENERAL INFORMATION1 - 11 GENERAL INFORMATIONThe VRAE is a programmable multi gas monitor designed toprovide continuous exposure monitoring of toxic gases,oxygen and combustible gases for workers in hazardousenvironments. Two models of VRAE are available: PGM-7800 and PGM-7840. The PGM-7840 has one moreinorganic toxic sensor in lieu of an oxygen sensor in thePGM-7800. The figures and displays shown in thismanual are primarily for the model PGM-7800. Forthe model PGM-7840, the displays will be similar.However, the oxygen reading will be replaced by a toxicsensor reading, and the name “oxy” will be replaced bythe name of the toxic sensor.The VRAE monitor detects inorganic toxic gases andoxygen concentration with the electrochemical sensors. Italso monitors combustible gases with a catalytic beadsensor and a broad range of gases with a thermalconductivity detector. Other features include:• Lightweight and Compact- 19 oz (540 g), walkie–talkie size.• Dependable and Accurate- 10 hours monitoring with micro-controller.• User Friendly- Menu driven, intuitive end-use operation.• Programmable Alarm Thresholds- Audio buzzer & flashing display alarm.