Manual--20+20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-20+2+4+6+8+10+12+14+16+18-20 +20-15 -10 -5 0 +5 +10 +15dBOUTPUTdB INPUTMulti-Band CompressorThe Compressor may be used in either full-range (M-BANDoff) or multi-band (M-BAND on) modes. Repeatedly press theCOMPRESS button to move through each frequency bandwhen M-BAND is set to ON.Pressing the COMPRESS button displays the following:CMP ON |BND THRSH RTO ATCK REL M-BANDOUT 1+2| 1 0dB 2.0 10ms 100ms ONCompressorParameter Value DescriptionCMP statusON Turns Compressor ON for theselected Output(s).off Turns Compressor OFF (bypass)for the selected Output(s).RST(Reset)Select and press ENTER to restoredefault settings.SelectedOutput(s)OUT1+2View and adjust parameters forboth Outputs simultaneously.“Linked” mode.OUT 1 View and adjust parameters forOutput 1 only.OUT 2 View and adjust parameters forOutput 2 only.BND(Band) 1, 2, 3Repeatedly pressing theCOMPRESS button cyclesthrough each of the 3 Compressorbands when M-BAND is ON.THRSH(Threshold)-60dB to0dBThe signal level above whichcompression occurs.RTO(Ratio)1.0 toINFAmount of output volumereduction per input volumeincrease above the Threshold.1.0 = no reduction,INF = hard compression.ATCK(Attack)0.5ms to100msDetermines how quickly theoutput volume is reduced oncethe input volume exceeds theThreshold.REL(Release)1ms to5secDetermines how quickly theoutput volume returns to normal(unity) once the input volumedrops below the Threshold.M-BANDON Turns Multi-Band mode ON.SETSelect and press ENTER to viewor adjust the multi-band crossoverfrequencies.offTurns Multi-Band mode OFF.Compressor works over the entire20 Hz to 20 kHz range.* Important note: the front panel Gain Reduction meter auto-matically switches to display the amount of gain reduction beingapplied to the currently selected band.Adjusting Crossover Points in Multi-Band ModeTo view or adjust crossover frequencies:1. Navigate to the M-BAND parameter.2. Rotate the DATA control to select SET and press ENTER.3. Select a band crossover point and adjust with the DATA con-trol. Press ENTER to return to the COMPRESSOR.CMP |--------X---------X----------|OUT 1+2 | BND1-2=200Hz BND2-3=2.0kHzMulti-Band Frequency PageParameter Value DescriptionBND1-2(Band 1-2)20 Hz to20 kHzLow/Mid Crossover Frequency.Can’t be set greater than theBND2-3 Frequency.BND2-3(Band 2-3)20 Hz to20 kHzMid/High Crossover Frequency.Can’t be set lower than the BND1-2 Frequency.DescriptionCustom tailoring of the program material dynamics is possibleusing the multi-band compressor. The audio signal is dividedinto distinct frequency ranges, which are then individuallycompressed as desired before being recombined to form theprocessed signal.A common application for multi-band compression is tocompress low frequencies more (or otherwise differently) thanthe mid and high frequencies. How many times have you heardthis: “Why do the vocals disappear with every bass drum hit? Itgives my mix this weird pumping sound.” This phenomenon islikely due to using a full-range (broadband) compressor acrossthe entire mix. In this scenario the low frequency energy fromthe bass drum triggers the compressor, dragging all frequenciesdown evenly with every hit.Multi-band compressor to the rescue! Try adjusting thecompressor’s crossover frequency point to compress just the lowfrequency range (say, 200 Hz and below) while keeping thevocals and guitars strong and present.The multi-band compressor used in the MM 42 is of the rms(root mean square) variety with a soft-knee characteristic for apleasant, musical response.Figure Compressor Characteristic (various Ratios)