Manual-MIDI TransferIt is possible to transfer an individual Memory or all Memoriesfrom the MM 42 to another MM 42 or other MIDI device.MIDI | MODE MEMORYTRANSFR| SEND 1 SENDUtility: MIDI TransferPage 4 of 6Parameter Value DescriptionMODE(TransferMode)SEND orRECEIVESet the transmitting unit to SEND,set the receiving unit to RECEIVE.MEMORY 1 to 16,ALLMemory location to be sent /received.SEND /RECEIVE(action isflashing)Select action and press ENTER tobegin transfer.Transferring Memories between MM 42sConnect the MIDI OUT/THRU of the transmitting MM 42 tothe MIDI IN of the receiving MM 42.Be sure the MIDI Rx and Tx of both units is not set to off.On the receiving MM 42:1. Set the receiving device to RECEIVE mode on the MIDITRANSFER page.2. Select the MEMORY (1 through 16 or ALL) location inwhich to store the incoming data.3. Select the RECEIVE action (flashing) and press ENTER. Thefollowing screen appears:AWAITING MIDI DATAPRESS CANCEL TO ABORTOn the transmitting MM 42:1. Select SEND mode on the MIDI TRANSFER page.2. Select the MEMORY (1 through 16 or ALL) location to sendto the receiving MM 42.3. Select the SEND action (flashing) and press ENTER. Thesending MM 42 says SENDING MIDI DATA.4. When incoming MIDI is detected the receiving MM 42 saysRECEIVING MIDI DATA.5. When the transfer is complete both units display:MIDI TRANSFER COMPLETEPRESS CANCEL TO CONTINUEIf the following horrifying display appears on either unitduring the transfer there has been an error. Don't get mad, justcheck all connections and settings and try again:MIDI TRANSFER FAILEDPRESS CANCEL TO CONTINUEModeWhen LATCH mode is selected, pressing the CUE BUS but-ton once routes the MM 42’s signal to the Cue Bus and the frontpanel PHONES jacks. Pressing the CUE BUS button againremoves the signal from the Cue Bus. It is possible (but poten-tially confusing) to have multiple MM 42s active on the Cue Busat the same time. To avoid audio mayhem, always remember todeactivate one MM 42 (by pressing its CUE BUS button) beforecueing another.When MOMENTARY mode is selected the MM 42’s signalis routed to the Cue Bus and front panel PHONES jacks only aslong as the CUE BUS button is pressed and held. Use this modeonce the mixes are fully dialed in and you just need to do theoccasional spot check.Gain Reduction Meter ModeGAIN | REDUCTN| COMPRESSOR+LIMITERUtility: Gain Reduction MeterPage 2 of 6Parameter Value DescriptionMETERMODECOMPRESSOR+ LIMITERDisplays maximum gain reductionof all Compressor and Limiterbands.COMPRESSOR Displays maximum gain reductionof all Compressor bands.LIMITER Displays maximum gain reductionof all Limiter bands.Important note: When the Compressor or Limiter is being edited,the Gain Reduction meter automatically switches to display theamount of gain reduction being applied to the currently selectedband of that processing section. At all other times the Gain Reduc-tion meter follows the selected METER MODE in the UTILITYmenu.MIDI ConfigurationMIDI | Rx Tx MERGE/THRUCONFIG | OMNI 1 offUtility: MIDI ConfigurationPage 3 of 6Parameter Value DescriptionRx off, 1 to 16,OMNIMIDI receive channelTx off, 1 to 16 MIDI transmit channelMERGE/THRU off, ON MIDI merge/thru statusMIDI Rx (receive): in OMNI mode the MM 42 will respondto MIDI data received on all MIDI channels.MIDI MERGE/THRU: if MERGE/THRU is ON, incom-ing MIDI data is merged with MIDI data from the MM 42 andsent to the MIDI OUT/THRU port.