Manual-UtilitiesRepeatedly pressing the UTILITIES button cycles through thefollowing useful pages.Cue Bus ConfigurationCUE BUS| CUE/PHONES PROCESSING MODE1ON BUS| STEREO POST LATCHUtility: Cue Bus ConfigurationPage 1 of 6Parameter Value DescriptionON BUS 1 to 4 Number of MM 42s connectedto the cue bus.CUE/PHONESSTEREOLeft/right mix (OUT 1/OUT2 assignment) is sent to theCue/Phones.MONO 1 OUT 1 is sent to both channelsof the Cue/Phones.MONO 2 OUT 2 is sent to both channelsof the Cue/Phones.PROCESSING PRE orPOSTSelects whether the Cue/Phonessignal is pre- or post processing.MODE LATCH orMOMENTSelects between latching ormomentary Cue Bus mode.On BusWhen connecting multiple MM 42s via the Cue Bus, seteach unit’s ON BUS parameter to match the number of con-nected units, to a maximum of 4. For example, if three MM 42sare connected, set the ON BUS parameter of all units to 3. Thisparameter is especially important if you need to precisely matchthe gain settings of a spare transmitter/beltpack to those of theprimary transmitter/beltpack.It is possible to connect more than four MM 42s to the CueBus, but be aware that there will be a slight loss in the Cue/Phones signal for each additional connected device. This lossequates to 6 dB per doubling of the number of devices, and canbe compensated for by turning up the PHONES level or by ad-justing the input gain of the spare transmitter/beltpack if usingthe CUE outputs.Important note: The main outputs (OUT 1, 2 & SUB) arenot affected by adding or removing MM 42s to or from the CUEBUS. Only the front panel PHONES and rear panel CUE OUTsare affected.ProcessingThe PROCESSING parameter determines whether the cuedsignal is monitored pre- or post-processing. This feature is espe-cially useful for doing a before-and-after comparison to hear theeffect of the channel processing and only affects the Phones andCUE Outputs – the Main Outputs (OUT 1, OUT 2) and SUBOutput are always post-processing. Did you really get that low-end compression properly dialed in? Is the PEQ adding enough airto the mix? Use the pre/post feature to hear for yourself – withoutdisrupting the artist’s mix.Storing and Recalling Memories(Presets)The current CONFIG settings and parameters for all processingsections (filter/sub, compressor, EQ, and limiter) are saved whenyou store a Memory. Input and output levels and all UTILITIESsettings are not stored.Pressing the MEMORY button displays this edit page:MEMORY |STORE : 1 STEREO DEFAULT|RECALL: 1 STEREO DEFAULT *MODMEMORYParameter Value DescriptionSTORE 1 to 16 Memory location stored to.RECALL 1 to 16 Memory location recalled from.*MODThe *MOD flag appears whenparameters have been changed sincethe last Memory Recall or MemoryStore.To store all processing and configuration settings to aMemory location:1. Press the key once to navigate to the STORE field.2. Rotate the DATA control to select a Memory number toSTORE to and press ENTER, producing this screen:NAME MEMORY 1: MEM 1 CANCEL3. Give the Memory a meaningful name. Use the andkeys to move between character fields. Select the charactersby rotating the DATA control. A maximum of 16 characters ispermitted.4. Press ENTER to move the cursor to the flashing STOREfield. Press ENTER to complete the operation.The Memory store operation can be cancelled at any time bypressing (you guessed it) the CANCEL button.To recall a stored Memory:1. Navigate to the RECALL field.2. Rotate the DATA control and select the Memory to recall.3. Press ENTER.The audio outputs mutes briefly when a Memory is recalled.Warning: the current processing and configuration settings willbe overwritten with the content of the selected Memory.