CHAPTER 4: ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS 35KX unit. However, if an RRC user has created a Connection Profile for a device, that userwill see the Description field from the Profile instead.Note: Spaces are NOT permitted in the Manager Name.− Use Default TCP Port 5000: Besides the initial download of Raritan Remote Client andDominion KX Manager (which occurs over secure HTTPS Port 443), all communication toand from Dominion KX occurs over a single, configurable TCP Port. By default, this is set toPort 5000, but you may configure it to use any TCP port of your choice, except 80 and 443.Note: In order to access Dominion KX from beyond a firewall, your firewall settings must enable two-waycommunication through the default port 5000 or the non-default port configured above.− Enable Syslog Forwarding: Click on this check box to send Dominion KX log messages to aremote syslog server. Type the IP Address of your syslog server in the Remote IP Addressfield, and click on the Category and Priority Threshold drop-down arrows to select the levelof event sensitivity.− Set System ACL: Click on this button to set a global-level access control list for DominionKX, enhancing security by ensuring that Dominion KX does not respond to packets being sentfrom disallowed IP addresses. The Access Control List window appears.Figure 33 Access Control List WindowThese ACL values are global, affecting the Dominion KX unit as a whole. Dominion KX allowsyou to create ACLs for each user group, for example, you can create a user group “OutsourcedVendors,” that is permitted to access Dominion KX only from a given IP address range (please seethe section Users, Groups, and Access Permissions in this chapter, for more information on howto create group-specific ACLs).Click [OK] to accept the Access Control List changes or [Cancel] to close the window withoutsaving changes.Important: Please note that ACL rules are evaluated in the order in which they are listed. Forinstance, if in the above example, the two ACL rules were reversed, Dominion KX would accept nocommunication at all. Use the buttons on the right of the window to adjust the order of your list.− Enable Automatic Failover: Click on this check box to allow Dominion KX to automaticallyrecover its network connection using a second network port if the active network port fails.The Ping Interval determines how often Dominion KX will check the status of the networkconnection (setting this too low may cause excess network traffic). Timeout determines howlong a network port must be “dead” before the switch is made. Both network ports must beconnected to the network, and this option must be checked for Automatic Failover to function.2. Click [OK] to set Network Configurations or [Cancel] to close the window without saving changes.Reset Settings to DefaultTo delete all configured Dominion KX network settings and return to factory default settings, use the LocalConsole Port to reset all network settings (please see Chapter 5: Local Console Port Access for moreinformation).