CHAPTER 3: RARITAN REMOTE CLIENT (RRC) 23RRC Toolbar and ShortcutsRaritan Remote Client ToolbarThe RRC Toolbar provides convenient, one-click access to the most commonly used features andparameters of Raritan Remote Client:BUTTON BUTTON NAME H OTKEY F UNCTIONNew Profile Launches the Connection Profile screen so you can create a newuser profile.ConnectionProperties Opens Modify Connection Properties dialog box to manuallyadjust bandwidth-correlated options (Connection Speed, ColorDepth, etc.).Video Settings N/A Opens the Video Settings dialog box to manually adjust videoconversion parameters.SynchronizeMouse In dual-mouse mode, forces realignment of Target Server mousepointer with Raritan Remote Client mouse pointer.Refresh Screen Forces refresh of video screen.Auto-senseVideo Settings Forces refresh of video settings (resolution, refresh rate).Enter On-ScreenMenu N/A Accesses On-Screen User Interface of connected KVM switch.Exit On-ScreenMenu ESC Deactivates On-Screen User Interface of connected KVM switch.SendCtrl+Alt+Del Sends a Ctrl+Alt+Delete macro to the Target Server.Single CursorMode Enters Single Cursor Mode, in which the local PC's mouse pointerno longer appears on-screen. Press to exit thismode.Full ScreenMode Maximizes the screen real estate to view the Target Server desktop.Show / HideNavigator N/A Toggles whether or not the RRC Navigator is displayed.RefreshNavigator N/A Forces a refresh of the data displayed by the RRC Navigator.Show / Hide"Browsed"DevicesN/AToggles whether or not the RRC Navigator displays RaritanDevices automatically identified on the network (that do not havepre-configured profiles associated with them).About N/A Displays version information about Raritan Remote Client.