APPENDIX C: FREQUENTLY ASKED Q UESTIONS 67Appendix C: Frequently Asked QuestionsQ UESTION : A NSWER :What is IP-Reach? IP-Reach is the easiest, fastest, most reliable way to remotely access andmanage multiple servers connected to a Raritan KVM Switch - no matterwhere you are or where your servers are located.How does IP-Reachwork?IP-Reach connects to the keyboard, video, and mouse ports of a server orKVM switch. Using Raritan’s powerful frame-grabber and compressiontechnology, it captures, digitizes, and compresses the video signal beforetransmitting to a remote PC.What level of control doesa IP-Reach remote userhave over attached TargetServers?The remote user has direct access and total control of target servers formaintenance, administration, and troubleshooting, from running GUIapplications to BIOS-level troubleshooting, and even rebooting.Remote Access Softwarehas been available for along time. What makesIP-Reach different?With IP-Reach, the IP-Reach software runs only on the IP-Reach unit itself,not on each individual Target Server. Traditional Remote Access Softwaresolutions require software to be loaded and running on each Target Server,which must offer a supporting Operating System. This can createcompatibility, performance, and reliability issues on mission critical TargetServers.What remote accessconnection methods canIP-Reach accommodate?IP-Reach provides network administrators with a choice of remote accessvia Internet, LAN/WAN, or dial-up modem. That means servers can beaccessed both in and out of band, so remote access to mission-critical targetservers is always available - even if the network is down.What types of computerscan IP-Reach remotelycontrol?IP-Reach works independently of a Target Server’s hardware, operatingsystem, or application software, accessing a Target Server’s maininput/output devices - keyboard, video, and mouse. Consequently, anyhardware that supports standard PC keyboard interfaces, standard PCmouse interfaces, and standard PC video (VGA) can be used with IP-Reach.Is special softwarerequired for the RemotePC?Each IP-Reach ships with one copy of IP-Reach Control software (TRC).This remote access software runs on any Remote PC with a Windows 98+operating systems and communicates over Internet, LAN/WAN, or dial-upmodem with IP-Reach software on the IP-Reach unit. With TRC installed,the Remote PC is like any other user console in your KVM configuration,but it can be located anywhere - around the corner, or around the world.Which Raritan KVMSwitches will work withIP-Reach?Currently Raritan supports the use of IP-Reach with all Raritan KVMSwitches that feature an On-Screen Display: Paragon, MasterConsole MX4,and MasterConsole II.Will other KVM switchbrands work with IP-Reach?Nothing complements IP-Reach better than a Raritan KVM Switch -especially Paragon. In theory, however, IP-Reach can be used with anyKVM switch that features an On-Screen User Interface menu for access toswitching functions.Can I continue to accessmy KVM configurationlocally?Yes. IP-Reach features a special Direct Analog User port for direct accessto the KVM configuration. This pass through port provides an additionallocal access point, which is especially important for single user switches orfor providing critical access to servers if the network is down.Can IP-Reach be usedwithout a KVM switch?Yes. IP-Reach can be used to directly access individual Computers,connecting to the keyboard, video, and mouse ports of an independentComputer. However, its convenience and value are leveraged through theuse of a KVM switch.Is IP-Reach easy toinstall?IP-Reach is very easy to install. Just connect it to a user port on an existingKVM configuration and assign an IP address and/or telephone number formodem access.