PX3TS Transfer Switch Quick Setup Guide 7QSG-PX3TS-0D-v3.1-E 255-80-0032-00 RoHS3. Enter deassertion hysteresis values.QS RuleAddendumNetwork Configuration via an RS-232 or USBConnectionStep 1: Connect the PX3TS to a ComputerConnect the PX3TS to a computer via an RS-232 or USBcable.RS-232 connection:1. Connect one end of the null-modem cable to the maleRS-232 port labeled CONSOLE/MODEM on the PX3TS.2. Connect the other end to your computer's RS-232 port(COM).USB connection:1. A USB-to-serial driver is required in Windows®. Install thisdriver before connecting the USB cable. See Installingthe USB-to-Serial Driver (Optional) (on page 7).2. Connect one end of a USB cable to the USB-B port on thePX3TS.3. Connect the other end to your computer's USB-A port.Installing the USB-to-Serial Driver (Optional)The PX3TS can emulate a USB-to-serial converter over aUSB connection. A USB-to-serial driver named "DominionPX2 Serial Console" is required for Microsoft ® Windows ®operating systems. Download the USB Driver file, whichcontains dominion-serial.inf, dominion-serial.cat anddominion-serial-setup-.exe files, from Raritan website'sPX2 Support Files page(https://www.raritan.com/support/product/px2/px2-support-files).Note: in the filename of "dominion-serial-setup-.exe"represents the file's version number.There are two ways to install this driver: automatic andmanual installation. Automatic driver installation is highlyrecommended.Automatic driver installation in Windows ®:1. Make sure the PX3TS is NOT connected to the computervia a USB cable.2. Run dominion-serial-setup-.exe on the computer andfollow online instructions to install the driver.Note: If any Windows security warning appears, accept itto continue the installation.3. Connect the PX3TS to the computer via a USB cable. Thedriver is automatically installed.Note: Manually install the driver only if the automaticinstallation fails. See the section titled "Installing theUSB-to-Serial Driver (Optional)" in the online help for manualinstallation procedure.In Linux:No additional drivers are required, but you must provide thename of the tty device, which can be found in the output of the"dmesg" after connecting the PX3TS to the computer. Usuallythe tty device is "/dev/ttyACM#" or "/dev/ttyUSB#," where # isan integer number.For example, if you are using the kermit terminal program,and the tty device is "/dev/ttyACM0," perform the followingcommands:> set line /dev/ttyACM0> connectStep 2: Configure the PX3TS1. On the computer connected to the PX3TS, open acommunications program such as HyperTerminal orPuTTY.2. Select the appropriate COM port, and set the followingport settings: Bits per second = 115200 (115.2Kbps) Data bits = 8 Stop bits = 1 Parity = None Flow control = NoneTip: For a USB connection, you can determine the COMport by choosing Control Panel > System > Hardware >