1. Home — press to return to the Homescreen.2. Menu — accesses menus. Press again to closemenus.3. UniController — provides a rotary control anda joystick that includes an OK push button forusing menus and applications.4. Back — press to return to a previous menu ordialog level.5. - (Minus/Negative symbol) — press to range out.6. + (Plus/Positive symbol) — press to range in.7. Active — press to switch the active pane, orto switch the active multifunction display (inmultiple display systems).8. Waypoint / MOB — press and release toaccess the waypoint options. Press again toplace a waypoint. Press and hold to place aMan Overboard (MOB) marker at your currentposition.9. Standby (Auto) — press to disengageintegrated autopilot, press and hold to activateAuto mode on integrated autopilot.10. Power — see table below:Configura-tionDisplayStateMomentarypressPress andholdOff / Standby * Power on —1Multifunctiondisplay On OpenShortcutspagePower off/ put intoStandbyAll displaysOff or inStandby* Power onall displays—All displaysOnOpenShortcutspage onactive displayPower downall displaysMultiplemultifunctiondisplays1 DisplayOn and 1display Offor in StandbyOpenShortcutspage onactive displayPower downactive displayNote: In a multiple display configuration,where displays are in different states, displaysthat are turned off can only be turned on usingthe Power button on the display.11. Direction of Joystick Up.Chapter 6: Operation6.1 Keypad controlsConnecting the keypad allows you to control yourmultifunction display remotely.Note: * Only applicable to eS and gS Seriesdisplays. a Series, c Series and e Seriesdisplays cannot be powered on using thekeypad.