6.2 Pairing the keypadEach keypad can be paired with multiple MFDs andmultiple keypads can be connected to the samesystem.With the keypad connected to the MFD:1. Select External Keypad from the ExternalDevices menu: homescreen > Set-up > SystemSettings > External Devices > ExternalKeypad.2. Select Pair Keypad.3. Press any button on the external keypad.4. From the pop-up message select the orientationof the keypad.Either landscape or portrait orientations areavailable.The keypad is now paired.Switching the active pane or displayusing the keypadThe Active button is used to switch the active paneon a multi application page and / or to switch theactive display.With multiple displays connected and / or a multipleapplication page displayed:Cycle sequence1. Press the Active button to enter switch mode.2. Use the Rotary control to cycle through theavailable panes and / or displays.The keypad will cycle through displays in theorder in which they were paired. On multiapplication pages the + and - buttons can beused to switch the active application between fulland splitscreen.3. Press the Back button or the Active button toexit switch mode.Unpairing the keypadThe keypad can be unpaired from an individualdisplay.1. Select External Keypad from the ExternalDevices menu: homescreen > Set-up > SystemSettings > External Devices > ExternalKeypad.2. Select Clear Pairings.3. Select Yes to unpair the keypad with the display.Unpairing from all displaysThe keypad can be unpaired from all displaysfollowing the steps below.1. Press and hold the Range In and Range Outbuttons simultaneously for approximately 6seconds.The keypad will sound a triple beep to signify it isnow unpaired.Determining the active displayYou can determine which display is currently active.1. Press the Active button.The Active pop-up is displayed on the screen orpane that is active.2. Press the Active button again to close the Activepop-up.The active display remains the same.Operation 27