Warranty CertificateThe Raymarine warranty terms and conditions as described below do not affect the customer’sstatutory rights.Limited WarrantyRaymarine warrants each new Light Marine Product to be of good materials and workmanship.Raymarine, or it’s approved agents, will repair or exchange under warranty any parts proven tobe defective in material or workmanship under normal use, for a period of 2 years/24 monthsfrom date of sale to end user, or 30 months from date of shipment from Raymarine – whicheverexpires first, except as provided below.Raymarine Limited Warranty covers the parts and labor associated with any warranty repair asdescribed above, provided that the unit is returned to Raymarine or one of it’s appointed agents.Installed WarrantyIn addition to the Limited Warranty cover as described above, Raymarine will, except as pro-vided below, cover travel costs (auto mileage and tolls) up to 100 round trip highway miles(160 kilometers) and travel time of 2 hours, to enable onboard warranty service to be carried outon products where proof of installation or commission by Raymarine certified installers, can beshown.The Installed Warranty provides for onboard repair or exchange, by Raymarine or it’sapproved service agents, for a period of 2 years/24 months, from date of sale of the boat to theend user – where the equipment has been installed by a Raymarine certified installer, or fromcommissioning of the installation by a Raymarine certified installer, or 30 months from date ofshipment of the equipment from Raymarine – whichever expires first, except as provided below.Obtaining Warranty ServiceIn the event of Warranty service being required, contact Raymarine or the nearest Raymarinecertified service agent – a full list of local service agents are available on the Internet or can berequested from the nearest Raymarine agent.A suitable proof of purchase, showing date, place of purchase, and serial number must be madeavailable to Raymarine or authorized service agent at the time of request for Warranty service.In cases where a Raymarine certified installer has not installed the product; i.e. Limited War-ranty, the affected unit must be returned to the local Raymarine approved service agent, with acopy of proof of purchase and/or completed warranty card. Subject to the Limitations below, theunit will be repaired/replaced at no further cost to the user and promptly returned to the user.In cases where the equipment has been installed by a Raymarine certified installer (boat builder,installer dealer etc.), i.e. Installed Warranty, the nearest local service agent should be con-tacted and onboard service requested, the warranty card, correctly completed and stamped by theinstalling agent, must be available as authorization for onboard service.Continued . . .