Before attempting to set a waterline or keeloffset, find out the vertical separation between thetransducer and either the waterline or the bottom ofthe keel on your vessel, as appropriate. Then set theappropriate depth offset value.D9343--21 2 31 Waterline offset2 Transducer / Zero offset3 Keel offsetIf an offset is not applied, displayed depth readingsrepresent the distance from the transducer to thesea bed.Applying a Depth OffsetFrom the User Calibration Menu:1. Press the Depth button until the Depth Offsetpage is displayed (2 presses from UserCalibration entry page).D12423-2De pth2. Use the Offset and Reset buttons to select therequired depth offset value.The depth offset can be set to the followingvalues:• Keel — values between –9.9 to –0.1• OFFSET (default) (Zero Offset) — 0.0• W/L (Waterline) — values between 0.1 to 9.9Note: To exit the user calibration pages at anytime, press and hold the Depth and Alarm buttonsat the same time for approximately 2 seconds.6.7 Intermediate calibration — i50DepthIntermediate calibration allows you to:• Check the instrument software version.• Check and if necessary set the instrument statusas either Master or Repeater.Checking i50 Depth software version andstatus10152025303540455055 60 54+D12451-2De pth Ala rmDe pthDuring normal operation:1. Press and hold the Depth and Alarm buttons atthe same time for approximately 4 seconds, untilthe Software Version page is displayed.2. Press the Depth button to display the InstrumentStatus page.Master (transducer connected) or Repeater (Notransducer connected).3. To change the status:i. Press the Offset and Reset buttons at thesame time.The status will flash.ii. Press either the Offset or Reset to changethe status between Master or Repeater.i. Press the Offset and Reset buttons at thesame time to confirm the status.4. To exit the Intermediate calibration settings atany time, press and hold the Depth and Alarmbuttons at the same time for approximately 4seconds to return to normal operation.i50 Depth 37