of 1 million BTUH. This opening(s) shall be eitherlocated at or ducted to a point neither more than18 inches (450 mm) nor less than 6 inches (150mm) above the floor level. The duct can also"Goose Neck" through the roof. The duct is pre-ferred straight down 18 inches from floor, but donot place near piping. This air supply openingrequirement shall be in addition to the air openingfor ventilation air required in (1).3. When air supply is provided by natural air flowfrom outdoors for a power burner and there is nodraft regulator, draft hood or similar flue gas dilu-tion device installed in the same space, in additionto the opening for ventilation air required in (1),there shall be a permanent air supply opening(s)having a total cross-sectional area of not less than1 sq. in. for each 30,000 BTUH (70 sq. mm perkW) of total rated input of the burner(s), and thelocation of the opening(s) shall not interfere withthe intended purpose of the opening(s) for ventila-tion air referred to (1). This opening(s) can beducted to a point neither more than 18 inches (450mm) nor less than 6 inches (150 mm) above thefloor level. The duct can also "Goose Neck"through the roof. The duct is preferred to bestraight down 18 inches from floor, but do notplace near piping.4. Refer to the latest version of CSA B149 for addi-tional information.WATER PIPINGGeneralThe boiler should be located so that any water leakswill not cause damage to the adjacent area or struc-tures.All units should be plumbed in accordance with theappropriate diagram from the following sections or pera suitable engineered piping arrangement.12Relief Valve PipingHydrostatic TestUnlike many other types of boilers, Raypak boilers donot require hydrostatic testing prior to being placed inoperation. The heat exchanger has already been fac-tory-tested and is rated for 160 PSI operatingpressure. However, Raypak does recommend hydro-statically testing the piping connections to the boilerand the rest of the system prior to operation. This isparticularly true for hydronic systems using expensiveglycol-based antifreeze. Raypak recommends con-ducting the hydrostatic test before connecting gaspiping or electrical supply.Leaks must be repaired at once to prevent damage tothe boiler. NEVER use petroleum-based stop-leakcompounds.1. Connect fill water supply. Fill boiler with water (besure bleed valve is open). When water flows frombleed valve, shut off water. Close bleed valve.Carefully fill the rest of the system, being sure toeliminate any entrapped air by using high pointvents. Close feed valve. TEST AT standard oper-ating pressure for at least 24 hours.2. Make sure constant gauge pressure has beenmaintained throughout test.3. Check for leaks. Repair if found.Low Temperature SystemBoiler requires minimum inlet temperature of 105°F.Consult the following sections for piping details. (ForPool temperature requirements, See the Pool HeatingSection).Temperature & PressureGaugeThe temperature and pressure gauge is factory-mounted in the inlet/outlet header.WARNING: Pressure relief valve discharge pipingmust be piped near the floor close to a floor drain toeliminate the potential of severe burns. Do not pipeto any area where freezing could occur. Refer tolocal codes.CAUTION: This boiler requires forced watercirculation when the burner is operating. See Table Efor minimum and maximum flow rates and waterpump selection. The pump must be interlocked withthe boiler to prevent boiler operation without watercirculation.