5BEFORE INSTALLATIONRaypak strongly recommends that this manual be re-viewed thoroughly before installing your ADB heater.Please review the General Safety information beforeinstalling the heater. Factory warranty does not applyto heaters that have been improperly installed or oper-ated. (Refer to the warranty at the back of thismanual.) Installation and service must be performedby a qualified installer, service agency or gas supplier.If, after reviewing this manual, you still have questionswhich this manual does not answer, please contact themanufacturer or your local Raypak representative.Thank you for purchasing a Raypak product. We hopeyou will be satisfied with the high quality and durabilityof our equipment.Product ReceiptOn receipt of your heater it is suggested that you visu-ally check for external damage to the shipping crate. Ifthe crate is damaged, make a note to that effect on theBill of Lading when signing for the shipment. Removethe heater from the shipping packaging. Report anydamage to the carrier immediately.On occasion, items are shipped loose. Be sure thatyou receive the correct number of packages as indi-cated on the Bill of Lading.Claims for shortages and damages must be filed withthe carrier by consignee. Permission to return goodsmust be received from the factory prior to shipping.Goods returned to the factory without an authorizedReturned Goods Receipt number will not be accepted.All returned goods are subject to a restocking charge.When ordering parts, you must specify the model andserial number of the heater. When ordering under war-ranty conditions, you must also specify the date ofinstallation.Purchased parts are subject to replacement onlyunder the manufacturer’s warranty. Debits for defec-tive replacement parts will not be accepted and will bereplaced in kind only per Raypak’s standard war-ranties.Model IdentificationThe model identification number and heater serialnumber are found on the heater rating plate located onthe left inside jacket of the heater. The model numberwill have the form H4-0751A ADB or similar dependingon the heater size and configuration. The first charac-ter of the model number identifies application (H =Hydronic Heating System, W = Hot Water SupplySystem, P = Pool Application). The second characteridentifies the firing mode (4 = On-Off firing). The nextfour places identify the input of the heater in 1,000s ofBTUH 0751 = 750,000 BTUH). The remaining suffixidentifies the control, ignition, and construction config-uration. The last three characters of the model numberidentifies the model type (ADB = Advanced DesignBoiler).Ratings and CertificationsStandards:• ANSI Z21.13 · CSA 4.9 - latest edition, Gas-FiredHot Water Boilers• CAN 3.1 - latest edition, Industrial andCommercial Gas-Fired Package Boilers• ANSI Z21.10.3 · CSA 4.3 - latest edition, Gas Wa-ter Heaters• SCAQMD Rule 1146.2All Raypak heaters are National Board Approved, anddesign-certified and tested by the Canadian StandardsAssociation (CSA) for the U.S. and Canada. Eachheater is constructed in accordance with Section IV ofthe American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME) Heater Pressure Vessel Code and bears theASME stamp. The heater also complies with the latestedition of ASHRAE 90.1 Standard.Installations at ElevationNo de-rating is required for altitudes up to 7000 feet.Rated inputs, at sea level settings, are suitable for upto 5000 feet elevation. At altitudes between 5000 and7000 feet, rated inputs are achieved with pressure set-tings adjustment. Consult the factory for installations ataltitudes in excess of 7000 feet.WARNING: Altering any RAYPAK pressure vesselby installing replacement heat-exchangers, tubebundle headers, or any other ASME part notmanufactured and/or approved by RAYPAK willinstantly void the ASME, and agency listings and anyRAYPAK warranty on the vessel. Altering the ASME,agency ratings of the vessel also violates national,state, and local approval codes. The terms "boiler"and "heater" are used interchangeably in thismanual.