dle valve to the test point B bleedle valve andopen the upstream manual gas valve. Make surethat test point A & B bleedle valves have beenopened so as to allow gas to flow. This will bringgas pressure to the second valve seat.5. Open the bleedle valve at test point C and connecta second rubber tube to it. Connect the other endof the tube to a manometer and look for a build-upof pressure. Increasing pressure indicates a leak-ing gas valve which must be replaced.6. Remove rubber tube and manometers. Closeeach test point bleedle valve as the tubes areremoved.7. After no leakage has been verified at all valveseats and test valves, open downstream leak testvalve and restore electrical power to the heater.Post Start-Up CheckCheck off steps as completed:1. Verify that the heater and heat distribution units orstorage tank are filled with water.2. Confirm that the automatic air vent (if used) wasopened two full turns during the venting proce-dure.3. Verify that air has been purged from the system.4. Verify that air has been purged from the gas pip-ing, and that the piping has been checked forleaks.5. Confirm that the proper start-up procedures werefollowed.6. Inspect burner to verify flame.7. Test safety controls: If heater is equipped with alow water cut-off or additional safety controls, testfor operation as outlined by manufacturer. Burnershould be operating and should go off when con-trols are tested. When safety devices are restored,burners should re-ignite after pre-purge timedelay.8. Test limit control: While burner is operating, moveindicator on high limit control below actual watertemperature. Burner should go off while blowerand circulator continue to operate. Raise settingon limit control above water temperature andburner should re-ignite after pre-purge time delay.NOTE: Ignition control may have to be resetafter this portion of the test.9. Test ignition system safety device:a. Open manual gas valve. Turn power on.b. Set thermostat to call for heat.c. When the heater is in operation, pull cap off oftee in air switch hose. The burner should gooff almost immediately.d. Reattach cap on tee. Burner should re-igniteafter pre-purge time delay. NOTE: Ignitioncontrol may have to be reset after this por-tion of the test.10. To restart system, follow lighting instructions in theOperation section.NOTE: Reinstall HGPS as applicable.Fig. 49: Leak Test ProcedureGASTO BURNERA BC DCalifornia Hot Water Supply, Inc.(800) 249-724446