Realtek RTD2120-seriesconfidential 29Register::PWM2_duty_width 0xFF34Name Bits Read/Write Reset State CommentsPWM2_ DUT 7:0 R/W 0 PWM2 duty widthRegister::PWM_source_select 0xFF35Name Bits Read/Write Reset State Commentsreserved 7:6 -- 0 ReservedPWM5_SEL 5:4 R/W 2 00: PWM5 is the same as PWM001: PWM5 is the same as PWM11x: PWM5 is the same as PWM2PWM4_SEL 3:2 R/W 1 00: PWM4 is the same as PWM001: PWM4 is the same as PWM11x: PWM4 is the same as PWM2PWM3_SEL 1:0 R/W 0 00: PWM3 is the same as PWM001: PWM3 is the same as PWM11x: PWM3 is the same as PWM2Watchdog TimerThe Watchdog Timer automatically generates a device reset when it is overflowed. The interval ofoverflow is about 0.25 sec to 2 sec(assume crystal is 12MHz) and can be programmed via registerCNT1.CNT1NEN_WDTBY_CNT3WDT resetOSC0 011CNT33*210CNT2210BY_CNT2Register::WATCHDOG_timer 0xFF36Name Bits Read/Write Reset State CommentsWDT_EN 7 R/W 0 0: Disable watchdog timer1: Enable watchdog timerCLR_WDT 6 W 0 0: No effect1: Clear all counters of watchdogBY_CNT2 5 R/W 0 Signal bypass counter2*0: signal pass through counter21: bypassBY_CNT3 4 R/W 0 Signal bypass counter3*0: signal pass through counter3