Prerequisite Reading28 Red Hat Directory Server Administrator’s Guide • May 2005• Multiple databases — Provides a simple way of breaking down yourdirectory data to simplify the implementation of replication and chaining inyour directory service.• Password Policy and Account Lockout — Allows you to define a set of rulesthat govern how passwords and user accounts are managed in the DirectoryServer.• SSL — Provides secure communications over the network including cipherswith up to 168-bit encryption.The major components of Directory Server include:• An LDAP server — The core of the directory service, provided by thens-slapd daemon and compliant with the LDAP v3 Internet standards.• Directory Server Console — An improved management console thatdramatically reduces the effort of setting up and maintaining your directoryservice. The directory console is part of Red Hat Console, the commonmanagement framework for LDAP directory services.• SNMP Agent — Permits you to monitor your Directory Server in real timeusing the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).• Online backup and restore — Allows you to create backups and restore frombackups while the server is running.Prerequisite ReadingThis manual describes how to administer the Directory Server and its contents.However, this manual does not describe many of the basic directory andarchitectural concepts that you need to deploy, install, and administer yourdirectory service successfully. Those concepts are contained in the Red HatDirectory Server Deployment Guide. You should read that book before continuingwith this manual.When you are familiar with Directory Server concepts and have done somepreliminary planning for your directory service, you can install the DirectoryServer. The instructions for installing the various Directory Server componentsare contained in the Red Hat Directory Server Installation Guide.Also, Managing Servers with Red Hat Console contains general backgroundinformation on how to use the Red Hat Console. You should read and understandthe concepts in that book before you attempt to administer Directory Server.