Managing Entries from the Directory Console48 Red Hat Directory Server Administrator’s Guide • May 2005These templates contain fields representing all the mandatory attributes and someof the commonly used optional attributes. To create an entry using one of thesetemplates, refer to “Creating an Entry Using a Predefined Template,” on page 48.To create any other type of entry, refer to “Creating Other Types of Entries,” onpage 48.Creating an Entry Using a Predefined Template1. In the Directory Server Console, select the Directory tab.For information on starting the Directory Server Console, refer to “Using theDirectory Server Console,” on page 34.2. Right-click the entry in the left pane under which you want to add the newentry, and select the appropriate type of entry: User, Group, OrganizationalUnit, Role, Class of Service, or Other.The corresponding Create window is displayed.3. Supply values for all of the mandatory attributes (identified by an asterisk)and, if you want, for any of the optional attributes.The Create window does not provide fields for all optional attributes.4. To display the full list of attributes, click the Advanced button.The Property Editor is displayed. Refer to “Modifying Directory Entries,” onpage 49, for information on using the Property Editor.5. Click OK to dismiss the Create window.The new entry is displayed in the right pane.Creating Other Types of Entries1. In the Directory Server Console, select the Directory tab.For information on starting the Directory Server Console, refer to “Using theDirectory Server Console,” on page 34.2. Right-click the entry in the left pane under which you want to add the newentry, and select Other.The New Object window is displayed.3. In the object class list, select an object class that defines your new entry.