632 Red Hat Directory Server Administrator’s Guide • May 2005supplier server In the context of replication, a server that holds a replica that is copied to adifferent server is called a supplier for that replica.supplier-initiated replication Replication configuration where supplier servers replicatedirectory data to consumer servers.symmetric encryption Encryption that uses the same key for both encrypting and decrypting.DES is an example of a symmetric encryption algorithm.system index Cannot be deleted or modified as it is essential to Directory Server operations.target In the context of access control, the target identifies the directory information to which aparticular ACI applies.target entry The entries within the scope of a CoS.TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The main network protocol for the Internetand for enterprise (company) networks.template entry See CoS template entry.time / date format Indicates the customary formatting for times and dates in a specific region.TLS Also Transport Layer Security. The new standard for secure socket layers; a public key basedprotocol.topology The way a directory tree is divided among physical servers and how these servers linkwith one another.Transport Layer Security See TLS.uid A unique number associated with each user on a Unix system.URL Uniform Resource Locator. The addressing system used by the server and the client to requestdocuments. It is often called a location. The format of a URL is protocol://machine:port/document. Theport number is necessary only on selected servers, and it is often assigned by the server, freeing theuser of having to place it in the URL.virtual list view index Also browsing index. Speeds up the display of entries in the DirectoryServer Console. Virtual list view indexes can be created on any branchpoint in the directory tree toimprove display performance.